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By: Alexander Zahf Tanji

“Remember what I have told you Mark. There are things that are not in your control. Don’t blame yourself because it is not your fault.” He gave an empathetic gaze on the young man seating opposite from him.
“Yes sir.” In a whisper Mark replied.
“I hope to hear from you soon. I can also refer you to my friend, to see if you’ll need medication. For now, try to do the things that will make you relax. Yes, this sounds generic advice but treating yourself will be a great way to reduce the pressure on your thoughts. A nice cup of your favorite warm drink, a warm shower, small things like that.”
Mark did not utter a word of reply. Soon moisture began forming in his eyes. He bowed his head. He saw what is happening so he leaned closer to the young man and asked him to look up.
“College is hard.” He began. “And so is life. People will give their opinions about you. Harsh or good, kind or hurtful. No matter how much we try, things, both good and bad will still happen. At the same time, we are clouded with uncertainty of our future. We don’t know what will happen next. We cannot be sure if everything will be alright in the end. However, even if the future is unsure, we have something. We have the now. We are living in the ‘now’. The past can’t be changed, the future is unpredictable, but the present? I’m sure you know what you have. People who love and trust you.”
“My friends. My family…”
He smiled. “You are not alone Mark. I can be your friend.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“My pleasure.”
He positioned with his right hand the tip of his metal cane on the floor and began to stand. He accompanied the young man outside of his office. He reminded him to come back, and contact for another session. Mark smiled; his face is now more at peace than when he came an hour ago at his office. He opened the door for both of them.
He and Mark walked past the desk of Jacintha. She smiled at Mark who smiled back. When Mark fully exited their premises, he looked at Jacintha who was reading a book. He read the title of the book, and an idea flashed in his mind. He walked, or more of limped back to his office. His eyes darted again on the door, and read the sign. “COUNSELING OFFICE”, making him feel the foreign atmosphere of the place. It is his first day after all. He made his way to his desk drawer opened it and took a glossy piece of paper. He returned to Jacintha; the student aide assigned to assist him.
“Yes Dr. Solomon?”
“Are there any students scheduled to have counseling this afternoon?”
“No sir, but a faculty meeting is scheduled in 15 minutes.” She read from a piece of bond paper on the stack of folders on her table.
“Oh, crap I forgot.” Dr. Solomon massaged his forehead.
Jacintha found it funny how this new counselor forgot about the faculty meeting. Later she felt bad, realizing she should have reminded him because she is his student aide. She observed the man in front of him, Dr. Morgan Solomon. His aura is a mixture of intimidating because of his height, and comforting because of his friendly smile. His clean buzz cut blends perfectly with his round head. He is wearing a pair of square framed eyeglasses. He wears a grey sweater that fits his physique. ‘Probably the sweater was because of the air con’. She thought after wondering about the appropriateness of wearing sweater in a tropical country. The man was clearly used to outdoor air, based on his tanned but fair skin. But probably the first thing that will catch your attention is his metal cane. She assumed that he has a limp on his right leg, and this evoke an emotion of pity on her.
“Would you like to go on art exhibit on this Saturday?” what Dr. Solomon said made her blink.
“Pardon me sir?”
“I observed you are an art enthusiast, a painter, and probably someone who appreciates classical arts and literature. Maybe you’ll appreciate my friend’s exhibit.”
“Observed?” The once comforting man suddenly seemed creepy to her. They only met yesterday when the university president introduced her to him. Is he a stalker? Is he trying to hit on her? A mind reader? Thoughts ran like a stream, making her speechless.
“Oh, sorry did I freaked you out?”
‘Yes, sir you did.’ She replied mentally. Words slipped her mind. She tried consoling her thoughts with the idea that maybe he looked at her student profile. But then again, there’s no way, he could’ve known she paints. It’s not in the form.
“I guess I should have played ignorant. Many people hate it when I accidentally deduced their habits. I’m sorry.”
“So, you’re a Sherlock Holmes sir?” She’s still skeptical and she unconsciously put a hint of sarcasm in her tone. Dr. Solomon noticed it. He hesitated for a moment but then decided to reveal his line of reasoning.
“When we met yesterday you are carrying the same book you are reading earlier, ARTWORKS OF THE RENAISSANCE. The book mark, is at the first pages yesterday, now it is in the middle. A book that thick, could only be finished quickly by a voracious reader or someone with a keen interest on the topic. I considered for a moment that maybe you’re studying it for a subject, but then I saw papercuts on your fingers, hinting a fast reading routine. Studying and memorizing will make you slow and linger on the page to absorb idea. Thus me, concluding you are an art enthusiast.”
“How did you know that I am also a painter?” she’s still unconvinced.
“Well I already have the conclusion that you like classical art. It is when I entered my office this morning when you are cleaning an arranging the desks that I’ve put everything. You stopped and looked at the sun rays coming through the window, and you formed a rectangular frame using your index fingers and thumbs. The people I know who does that are painters, photographers, and of course, people who like doing that Hahaha. But when you approached me to give your greetings, I saw small paint stains on your right hand. Combining it with my other observations, it solidified my conjecture. You are a painter.”
“I’m sorry sir I know I sounded rude. Painting is a private hobby for me. That’s why I was surprised and creeped out.” A part of her is still unconvinced but she was amazed with the counselor’s observation, if he was telling the truth. He handed her a glossy piece of paper with read borders and briefly read what was written.
“My friend invited me to his exhibit but I can’t come because I have a doctor’s appointment on Saturday. I was hoping you could be a proxy for me.”
She really thought that he was asking for a date. Embarrassment soon took over her mind. Dr. Solomon is handsome after all but the age gap will make their date creepy. Hearing about his doctor’s appointment made her glance at that doctor’s right leg and metal cane. Guilt soon replaced embarrassment.
“Yes, sir I think I could spare a time on Saturday.”
“Thank you so much Jacintha. I think I should go. Seven minutes before the faculty meeting starts Hahahahaha, it would be inappropriate if I am late in my first day.” He began to walk away as fast as he could.
“I think it is safe to assume that he is a good man.” Jacintha said to herself when Dr. Solomon left. She began reading the words on her art exhibit ticket.

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