I Dont want to go!!

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Liams pov

"What do you mean she didn't come home last night?" Where did she go?, Why wasnt she back?. Something could have happened her. The mugs of tea started spilling over and landing on the wooden table in Harry's front room as he brought his fist down on it. Harry was getting crosser by the second. He kept pascing the room and looking out the windows, waiting for Sarah to get back

"Calm down, Harry she hardly every comes back at night anymore Harry, she probably just spent the night at a friends house. She never listens to me when I tell her not to leave. She ignors me and does what ever she wants" my mother cryed. I could see the worry and sadness in her eyes, but it wasn't her falt.

"Harry you have to calm down mate. We must stick to the plan if we want to get Sarah into the bus ok, so just relax. It's going to be ok." I said trying to shake some sence back into him.

"You're right Liam, I'm sorry mum, its not your fault, Sarah had done this to her self, but we'll help her don't worry" Harry said pulling his mum into a hug. Thats when we all heard to door slam. 

Sarahs pov

I ran up the back lane to the house, I must get there before Harry. I have to if i want my plan to work! I must be home before him and his friends arrive if my plan is going to work. To be honest though it isn't much of a plan. Me and sophie had tried to come up with some ideas but the best was to lock myself in my room and refuse to come untill Harry leaves. It's worth a shot. I put my key quietly into the lock and turned slipping throught the door at the same time. All the practice i have had over the last year of sneaking in and out of the house was coming in useful. That's when I heard his voice. It was different somehow sounded much deeper now. More grown up. 

'I'm sorry mum it's not your fault, Sarah has done this to her self," I heard Harry tell my sobbing mother. My Fault. My Fault. How could it be my fault. He's the one that left me when I needed him. He's the reason I tured out the way I did. I slammed the door closed letting them all know I was home.

Harry pov

We heard the door slam and knew we had to act fast if we wanted are plan to succeed. I pulled away from my mum and looked up at Louis and Zayn. They nodded and ran off to the the hiding place we had decided on earlier. Sarah was coming with us, whether she wanted to or not.

Sarahs pov

"Sarah come in here and say hello to you brother and his friends please", begged my mother. Did she really think that I wanted to see him. "No, I'll pass" I yelled back and sprinted up to my room locking the door behind me. I flopped down on my unmaid bed and closed my eyes. Thats when I realised.  Unmade bed. It was made when I left the night before. I opened my eyes and sat up looking around menin horror. Where was my stuff. It was all gone. I ran to my wardrobe and screamed. Gone!!! ever pair of jeans and top I owned. I ran to my dresser!! All my make up had vanished.


Harrys pov

Step one complete.

Step two commencing in 5,4,3,2,1.........

"AGHHHHHHGHGHGH,Let go of me, NO NO STOP. I dont want to go, you retard, So put me down you ass. Put me down now let me go you fucker!!!!! 

My sister knew how to swear. For a 17 year old she had a bad mouth. That was going to have to stop. None of the boys like swearing, we only when it's necessary and anyway we're not suppost to do it as management say it makes our image looked bad. So she have to obey the rules as well. As I saw Louis carriying Sarah down the stairs I looked at my little sister. Her long golden brown curly hair that she used to refuse to tye up because she wanted to look more like me was now perfectly placed on the top of the head. Her eyes where the exact same shape and colour as mine, nowonder people thought we were twins. I soon realised that she was still putting up a fight and I don't think Louis back could take much more of a pounding so I turned to my mum and said goodbye.

'I promise I'll look after her mum, don't worry about her. We'll sort her out. Just give us some time. Ok. Bye mum love you." i whisped in my mums ear as she tried to hold back the tears trying to fall.

"Harry, I'm not calling your sister fat or anything but I think Louis back will break if he doesn't put Sarah down soon mate." Niall shouted from the door way. Sarah had given up screaming and was just sobbing into the back of Louis shirt. I hated doing this to her, but it was for her own good. 

As we reached the entrance Paul pulled up with the van and we all climed in. Liam went first and then quickly pulled Sarah of Louis back before she had time to escape. 

"Please harry. Let me go. I'll be good I'll go back to the way I was. Please don't make me move! I don't want to live with you. Let me out" Sarah begged as she ran for the door only to be pulled back by zayn into the seat.

"Sarah, I would love to let you go and for you to keep that promise, but we all know that there's not a hope in hell that you would keep your word. You're are coming to live with us weither you like it or not, so just stop fight us and let us help you." I said looking at my little sister. But she just turned to face the window, letting her tears fall silently down her face as we set off to the airport!!

Please comment!!!!! i really want to know what you think of the story so far and any ideas you might have!!!!let me nowxxill update soon!!!!

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