10 signs of Spiritual Awakening

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Starting to see the world in a different light, a shift from external to internal.

Beginning to prioritize and question what gives you joy and purpose in this world.

Actively seeking to replace that which no longer serves you with something that does. Habits, toxic relationships, or work that only serves to pay bills.

The feeling of humility and gratitude for what you are shown in a ceremony and learning to live and see we are all in the same boat .... Compassion.

Seeking external help, the gathering of resources to facilitate understanding. This is not only just reading or educating yourself about others' spiritual path... But also allowing the receptivity of your mind to engage in energies that seek to feed your internal world.

Realization of the connectivity of all life and how it feeds you. Contemplating your relationship with the nature, with the Earth and its spirits. Plant medicines like Ayahuasca and San Pedro magnify and emphasize feeling of a synergetic relationship and responsibility to the Pachamamma.

Beginning to move through life not by trying to think your way to a new place but by simply accepting anything, being aware of the opportunities that place themselves in front as the process of active path selection. Ayahuasca has the capacity to mystically provide one with different clarity of vision to path selection after a ceremony for some time .. Follow the who the rabbit of the matrix.

Taking responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and actions and beginning to actively repair and develop the way you receive and express yourself. This part requires personal effort and spiritual reflective skills. It requires something from you other than just to drink a cup of ayahuasca and sit back. Through active engagement and attention plant medicines provide you with the sense and meaning of your life story and where it wants to take you.

A spiritual rebirth , you forgive yourself for all your past shortcomings and those who were involved in your stories. Parents, lovers.... All.

Learning to recognize and follow energies that feed you as opposed to chasing energies that consume you is a major opening in this path of spiritual discernment. It magnifies your feeling of life and self and gives you a glow.

Knitting this understanding back together

Much of the complexity of South American spirituality has been lost and has been replaced with many influences from other traditions including spiritual teachers.

This medicine or soma has all the elements within it for rediscovery and reemergence of spiritual truths within its field and it wants to give its understanding freely.

"And the way it teaches is through experience as we are knitting this understanding back together with patience, humility and respect which are the main teachers inside an Ayahuasca journey" -Peter Ewart

10 signs of Spiritual AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now