Chapter 3

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After resting enough, Y/N finally stepped out of the safe room and made his way to the stairs next to him. Luckily, the zombie he ran into earlier wasn't around. He proceeded to the second floor but he knew he couldn't explore further due to the steam blocking the way so he went to the next floor.

Y/N saw a zombie halfway up, trying to get to him but he went over the stairway and fell back to the first floor.

Y/N: "Should have taken the stairs, idiot."

He continued on to the third floor. He saw a shadow as if someone was at the other side. Y/N checked it out and saw that it was small figure on a desk. He sighed in relief.

There was a key on the desk. Y/N took the key and saw that it was a shape of a spade.

Y/N: "Got the spade key. I wonder how the hell is a police station a building full of puzzles?"

He moved on to the next room. As he crossed through the hall, he saw a licker passing by outside the window.

Y/N: "(Oh shit!)"

He stood still for moment but fortunately, it's already gone.

Y/N: "(I did not want to go through that again.)"

He moved on to the next room. The next room was empty except for the corpse that was hanging in the ceiling. It looked it was going fall but it didn't as Y/N passed by it. He saw C4 placed on the wooden barricade.

Y/N: "Right, I need the detonator. I just hope it's in the same place."

He head for the next door then entered a library. He was getting a call from the radio as he entered.

Marvin: "Y/N, it's Marvin. I need you back here ASAP."

Y/N: "What is it? You okay?"

Marvin: "I've got something to show you. It's important."

Y/N: "On my way. Just finishing up here."

He put the radio away and continued on. From the floor above him, he saw zombies around the area. He passed down to the stairs and went for the door while avoiding the zombie corpses. Y/N saw the door was locked but he had the key. He quickly insert it while looking behind for any zombies.

Y/N: "(I'll have to clear this room at some point.)"

Y/N opened the door and returned to the main hall. He made his way back to Marvin. He saw that he was still holding up while looking at the laptop.

Marvin: "There you are. Come here, take a look."

He showed Y/N one of the monitors on the laptop. It was Claire outside of the police station.

Y/N: "Good, she made it."

Marvin: "Chris's sister, Claire?"

Y/N: "Yeah, that's the girl that came to the city with me."

Marvin: "You can get to that courtyard through the second floor... on the east side."

He groaned in pain as he told him, suffering from his injury.

Y/N: "Got it. You try to hang in there while I'm gone."

Marvin: "I can't guarantee that."

Y/N decided to hurry to the east side. He went back to the second floor and went for the door that was on the other side. He passed through the waiting room and unlocked the next door. He entered a hall then proceeded right as it leads to outside. He saw a falling helicopter from the window then he felt it crash into the building as he had some trouble standing. Y/N went through the door that lead outside and saw the wrecked helicopter along with the dead pilot.

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