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The next morning I woke up next to Leo in his bed, smiling I woke him up slowly. "Wake up sleepy head." I whispered giggling softly.

He finally moved and looked at me, he pecked my lips then pulled on the cover on himself again. "Leonardo DiCaprio! Wake up or am gonna have to leave to school without you and I may take your car also!" I half yelled.

"Five minutes more." He groaned. I simply said okay before leaving to my room. I went, took a quick shower but I didn't wash my hair, wore my outfit and got ready. I looked at the time, I have 30 minutes to be there. I went downstairs and grabbed an apple as my breakfast.

I thought waiting 2 minutes for Leo but he hadn't come downstairs yet, so I did as I promised. I took his car and left to school. I felt proud of my self but also anxious about what Leo would do to me after he find out.

Once I arrived to school, I opened the door and saw Melissa running to me but stopped when she recognized me. With an disgusted look she said, "where is Leo?"

"I woke him up today he said he doesn't want to see so I left him at home." I lied, shrugging.

"There is no way!" She looked inside the car from the windows but found nothing. She groaned making angry voices. "It's all your fault! Leo loves-"

"When he found out you sent that girls to lock me in a room he doesn't want to know you." I played with my nails.

She froze suddenly. "How- how would- I never did that!" She yelled.

"Whatever, I don't have time for your bullshit, I have school." I locked the car leaving her. I still had time like 10 minutes or something so I decided to sit in the field, once I was there I spotted Amanda and daisy talking but then Amanda left her and went inside the building.

I furrowed as I made my way to daisy. "I didn't know you study here." I said sitting next to her.

"I am senior, you don't get to see me much but also Amanda didn't want you to see me." She said looking down.

"Why?" I asked.

"She always talks about you before Leo become your step-brother I used to see your so sweet, and when I saw you I thought like 'omg she doesn't deserve what amanda is doing to her' but.... She doesn't know that I am by your side I'll tell you everything she does okay?" She said.

I sighed. "Okay." I shrugged.

"She- she know works with Melissa and they are trying to get you both apart." She said. I could believe her they both hate me anyways.

"Let them." She looked at me with confused face. "Let them do it, when they get rid of me they both will fight over him, and then they will be enemies is just I know it." I shrugged.

She sighed. "Am so sor-" she got interrupted by my phone ringing. My eyes widened once it reads Leo. "I-I will see you later okay!" I yelled before leaving her.

I picked the phone. "Hel-"

"What the heck aurora!" He yelled. "I told you five minutes so you go get ready and leave me AND drive my car? Now how will I come to school?"

"When I arrived Melissa came running to me thinking it's you, once she saw me she was annoyed." I laughed at the memorization. "I told her you didn't come because you hate what she did to me." I laughed more.

"Well.... I just want to thank you, now I have a day free! I can do whatever I want I just don't have a car." I can sense him rolling his eyes. "Anyways, you go and try get my homework's so I can finish them without my mom grounding me." He said.

"Okay I'll see you later." I hung up at him, running to my class.

As I was just drawing in my paper ignoring the teachers none sense I heard the bell rang. I packed my stuff and was about to leave but was stopped with Amanda.

"Can I have a minute?" She asked softly with a puppy eyes. *evil laugh* I know that fake face, nice try.

"No, get out of my way." I left her but she stopped me.

"Please, just meet me infront of the school after classes okay?"

I sighed. I wanted to know what was she gonna say that's why I decided to agree. "Okay then, I'll give you 5 minutes more than that am leaving."

Her face brighten up and it's probably fake. "Thank you!" She yelled. Hugging me before leaving. I froze at my place, I didn't hug back.

After school finished I saw her waiting in a corner, sighing I made my way to her. "5 minutes and am leaving."

"Look seriously okay! I just didn't realize how you mean to me and no boy can ruin our friendship am really sorry I didn't mean it okay, I just- I don't know and I don't even know why I lied about daisy, damn am so selfish." She sighed looking down.

I crossed my arms. "So what do you want me to do them?" I asked.

"Let me make it up to you! Come over to my house today if you are free, we can have a movie night, play games even we can sleepover have girls talk, paint our nails everything!" She exclaimed.

"No." I simply said.

"Please?" She gave me puppy eyes.

"Okay fine, I'll think because I don't fully trust you know, I'll let you know tonight okay?" I asked.

"Okay." She said, I left her and went to Leo's car heading back home.

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