Pt. 5//the boy

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I have never been to the Hufflepuff common room. I anticipate many students are there already drinking bubbly butterbeers and enjoying the euphoric atmosphere.

Hufflepuff's are notorious for having the most luxurious parties that remain exclusive to only Hufflepuff's and their carefully picked guests. Being invited to a the Hufflepuff common room is a significant privilege. But that has always been my favorite part about Hufflepuff, they have the most kind members that prioritize house unity. There is rarely any in-house conflict because they treat each other with such kindness and respect. Hogwarts carries a stereotype that every student must be significantly intelligent, brave, or witty to be a great wizard. But to me, using kindness in all situations, is equally as powerful.

Why would Cedric be inviting me? And why did he have to do it so secretly? Regardless, I count each minute as the clock winds to midnight.

I walk silently through the lofty Hogwarts halls. The cobblestone walls are decorated with ancient photographs that capture the worlds best and brightest wizards. The silver moon beams through the stained glass windows creating radiant walkway for my quiet steps.

I intertwine my thumbs for the duration of the short walk there. I can't help but be nervous, however, that does not hinder my excitement.

After about 5 minutes of walking, the Hufflepuff common room is in my line of sight and I hear the distant sound of music. Suddenly, I feel a quick tug on my left arm that pulls me deeper into the castles darkness.

I shudder a bit due to the unexpected gesture. But my worries are silenced as I look up to see Cedric's beaming smile. He purses his raspberry tinted lips and whispers, "Shhhh. It's just me."

I jab him with my free arm playfully. "You scared the hell out of me!"

"I didn't mean to scare you Gryffindor. I just thought I should meet you before you hit the common room." Cedric says with a wide and handsome grin.

The moonlight plays with his face perfectly, making his high cheekbones the main attraction on his face. I can't take my eyes off of this mysterious, striking boy in front of me.

"Why did you invite me here? And why is it a secret?" I ask, noticing that my left arm still lays freely within his warm grasp.

Cedric looks behind him briefly, presumably checking to ensure that we were alone in this dark hall. "You're cool, the way you held your own today in class. My friends and I, we wanted to get to know you over some good music and drinks. You know, away from all of the other commotion in the castle."

I am hoping the hall is dark enough to hide my fluorescent red cheeks. "Well, I am honored to be invited Cedric. Honestly, I'd love to get to know the golden boy of Hufflepuff."

Cedric licks his lips and smiles lightly. "Then it's your lucky night!"

We both look down in sync and realize my arm has remained in his hand throughout our conversation. "My bad!" I say as I move my arm.

"No worries!" Cedric exclaims. "Now, lets get you a drink."

We walk a couple steps until we are faced with large, carved mahogany doors. I am instantly hit with the smell of  butterscotch and coffee. Hufflepuff feels bright and welcoming.

Each wall is adorned with quidditch trophies, academic achievement scrolls, and proud house colors. There are several couches, all lined with tipsy students.

"Oh hey! Emerald, right? I am in your CMC class!" Says a tall boy with curly blonde hair. Freckles kiss his nose below his vibrant blue eyes. He is almost as handsome as Cedric, almost.

"Yes!" I say smiling. "I am sorry but I must ask, what is your name?"

Cedric giggles. "You are probably the only girl at Hogwarts that does not know this kids name! I mean come on he is only the schools best quidditch goalie."

I cock my head to the side and squint my eyes a bit. "No I'm so sorry I still do not know your name!"

The muscular boy laughs. "My name is Rowe. Rowe Beaumont." Rowe says with his hand extended towards mine.

I place my hand in his expecting a handshake, when he swiftly lifts my hand up to his mouth to kiss it.

Cedric instantly scoffs in his direction as I giggle with my eyes wide with confusion. Are all Hufflepuff boys this charming?

"Alright alright alright. Reel it back bro, this is MY guest." Cedric says to Rowe in a joking manner.

Cedric jokingly lifts my hand up to meet his and he rubs his shirt on the same spot that Rowe kissed me, just above my wrist. "This is just for good measure." Cedric says. "I don't want you to get any Hufflepuff cooties."

This makes me laugh instantly. Cedric is effortlessly funny. I can see why he has so many adoring friends.

"I might need a drink after that interaction." I declare with a cheeky grin. Cedric looks at me with a mischievous smile. "I'd love to pour you something. I'm having spiked butterbeer myself if you'd like to join."

I glance around the room. It appears as if everyone has spiked their butterbeers quite significantly.

"Count me in then!" I say.

My night consists of mainly listening and watching the small get together in the common room unfold in front of me while sitting next to Cedric. I find myself to be quiet in situations where I don't know many people, however, tonight I don't care. It's just about letting loose and absorbing the lively atmosphere.

As I drink more I feel the blood slowly rush to my face, giving me a baby pink glow to my cheeks. Rowe teases me lightly about it. "You look a little... pink. You're tipsy aren't you, Gryffindor?" He asks with excitement.

I giggle and look to the floor with slight embarrassment. "Maybe a bit."

Cedric takes quick note of my bashfulness and he places his hand on my inner thigh with his finger tips peering right under my black skirt. "You look fine." Cedric says reassuringly.

I look at his hand on my thigh and back into his silver eyes. Is this his way of claiming me as 'his guest'?

"I'm sorry. I must be a little tipsy too. Is this okay?" Cedric asks, using his head to motion towards the contact his hand is making on my thigh.

I lean back into the couch a bit to get more comfortable, and I run my fingers gently between his soft chestnut locks. "Yeah. I like this." I say smiling.

Rowe rolls his eyes in disagreement. "Alright alright I'm just teasing you, but you could have picked a different shirt at least!"

I look down and see I'm still wearing my Gryffindor collard shirt from earlier. I must stick out terribly amongst all of these Hufflepuff 's. I truly didn't purposely wear a Gryffindor crest, I was so excited I forgot to change out of it.

Cedric tilts his head to the side as he looks at my shirt. "I have a shirt you can borrow... my dormitory is just down the hall?"

Is he insisting I come see his room? Heat instantly rushes to my head with nervousness but the liquid courage from the butterbeers takes over.

I stand up and extend my hand forward motioning for Cedrick to stand with me. "A new shirt would make me feel more comfortable, thank you." I say.

Cedric's face lights up with delight. "Alright, let's get to it then"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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