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(A/N: Kill me now uuuggghh)

I was just walking through the woods minding my own business. Exploring a part of the woods I haven't explored yet. When I came across a weird statue. It was triangle shaped with one big eye, a top hat, and one stick like hand sticking out. Weird. I thought. I wonder what this is? I got closer till I was right next to it. Hey! Kid! I heard someone say. I spin around. No one there. "Who's there!" I demand. Just me. The voice said. I look at the statue. "Are you...talking?" I ask. Yeah. Listen. I have a proposition. You are special. That is why you can hear me. How about you give me some of that magic you have? We have a deal? Now this...was weird. I then raise my eyebrow. "How do I know I can trust you?" The statue sighs. Ok. How about this. I take just a little magic. Not enough to hurt you. Then you can call on me for one favor whenever you want and for whatever you need. We have a deal? I think for a moment. "Deal!" I say. The hand lights up with blue fire. I take it.

A flash of light knocks me down. When I opened my eyes I saw a boy in front of me. He looked like this:

(Insert picture of bill because it won't work)

"Finally! I am free! It has been what? 30 years? Oh it just feels so good to be back!" He then looks down. His goes from happy to worried in moments. "What is this!? Why am I not in my true chaos god like form!?" He says, inspecting himself, "This feels familiar. Wait!" He holds out his arms "Fleshsticks! I am human! How did this happen!?" He kept on ranting and pacing back and forth. I just stood there in shock. What is happening? Is this guy insane!? "You bet I am!" He said. "HOW DID YOU KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING!?" I yell. Same way I can speak in here. He said in my mind. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I yell. "Fine." He said. Then suddenly he just seemed to poof right in front of me almost giving me a heart attack! He looked at me up and down. He then smirked. "Now that I can actually see you. You are kind of cute. I am going to call you ice queen." My face goes red. "I have to go!" I say. I quickly run out of there.

I get to the Mystery Shack. It is an old shack with "exotic and mythical creatures" inside. I ran inside and slammed the door behind me. I just stood there with my back to the door hugging it. "MOOOOOOOM!" I yell. "I am in the living room!" My mom yells back. I rush to the living room to see my mom knitting a half finished sweater. "Ok. Something happened. Something really weird!" I said. "I am listening." My mom said still knitting. "Ok! I was in the woods minding my own business exploring when I come across a statue. It was like a weird pyramid thing. It then speaks in my head asking to make a deal. So I shake it's hand and poof! It turns into- ''''Did you say pyramid statue in the woods!?" My mom sits there frozen with eyes wide. "Yes? Do you know what it is?" I ask. She sets down her needles and stands up. "DIPPER!" she screams. My uncle was over for "twin time".

He comes running down. "Yes Mabel?" He said. "He is back." "Who?" My uncle asks. "Bill." My mom said. My uncles face was one of pure terror. "Morgan made a deal." She said. My uncle goes over to me and checks my eyes. "How are you not possessed?" He asks. I step away. "What is going on!?" I yell. They ignore me and start talking to each other. Then I hear a knock on the door. "Morgan go get that." My mom said. I sigh and go to get the door. I opened it and I see the boy from the forest. "NOPE!" I yelled slamming the door and then close the blinds. "Come on ice queen!" He said. "Who was it sweetie?" My mom asks from the other room. "Just a boy!" I said. I then can heard my mom giggling. "When I was your age I was totally boy crazy! Don't worry about it!" I groan. I hear another knock. I look through the blinds. It is the same boy. "Who is it sweetie?" My mom asks again. I sigh. Better tell them. I thought. "The statue that turned into a boy!" I say. My mom and uncle come running from the living room. Then my uncle opens the door and yells and the boy "STAY AWAY FROM MY NIECE!" Then slams the door shut. "Who is that!?" I yell. The boy then phases through the door. "Bill Cypher." He says. My mom then stands in front of me then my uncle stands in front of my mom. "Long time no see Pinetree, Shooting Star." He then looks at me and says "Ice Queen." Then winks. That put my uncle over the edge. "THAT'S IT YOU DEMONIC DORITO!" He then tackles now who I know as "Bill" to the ground. Then he starts punching him. "Let me at him!" My mom says. Uncle Dipper then gets off of Bill then my mom John Cena's him. Then my uncle and mom start punching him. I sigh. "CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!" I yell. Everyone stops and get up. "I can explain." Bill said. He then tells me the whole story.

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