The beginning

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|||no one's pov:|||

Our lives are not always quite happy, there things that just....
really mess everything
Some peoples say that they are sad, that there lives are horrible but.....
if they could change there life with another person they would really see what is being fucked up heh~

In a world where 80℅ of the population have powers (quirks)

Our "sweet" protagonist Izuku is part of the other 20℅ who doesn't have

Izuku is 4 at the moment, and is going excited with his mother to the quirk doctor to know what is his quirk.
It's a shame that he doesn't know what is going to happen after that...

|||Izuku's pov:|||

Today me and mommy are going to go to the quirk doctor to know what's my quirk, i'm super excited >o<
Quirks are supposed to reveal themselves, normally at the age of 4, unfortunately mine didn't but i'm sure it's normal im just a late boomer........ Right?
I have a best friend is name is kacc-  i-I mean bakugou, katsuki bakugou it's his name

I just call him kacchan has a nickname, that because for some reason when i was little i couldn't say his name so i ended calling him kacchan
We met because of our mothers, they were friends and they introduced us to each other
Kacchan already has is quirk
It's called Explosion and it's super strong it's gives him the power to creat explosions from is hands, we made plans to be get in U.A and be the strongest heroes, i hope i get a strong quirk like him

I want to be strong like All might, he is the number one heroe a.k.a ✨the simbol of peace ✨
I want to be like him a heroe that saves people with a smile on the face, doesn't let anyone get hurt, it's always in the right place
A heroe that let's people with the heart melting, in the right way hehe not like really melting i-i think you get it
I want to be a heroe that saves people not because of fame, money, power... but because of a true heart,( kinda cringe 🤧)that doesn't discriminate a person because of his/her quirk or for being weak
I wan-


Ho looks like it's time for me to go to the doctor
byee 👋👋👋

|||no one's pov:|||

Izuku grabs his backpack and all might figure and run's downstairs to his mother giving her a hug
They both go to the car and the grown up starts driving to the location

After some minutes they arrive
A lash of saddnes, excitement, happiness and fear can be seen in the women's eyes
fear of her son being quirkless but not in the wrong way she would always love her son no matter what but she knew what would happen to the life of her little angel once he found out he is quirkless
She still has hope that her son gonna have a quirk that he is gonna train hard, enter yueei and became a wonderful heroe

But......after all
The beautiful lie is just a way to hide the painful truth
Izuku- "Mommy, mommy come on~ I want to find my quirk"

Inko- "I know, i know calm down hehe :)"

-Time skip-

The two brocolli's hair glance at the door as the doctor comes in, The mommy brocolli already gets ready for the news seeing the pity face of the doctor, breaking her heart in pieces, not because her son may not have a quirk but in the way that new is going to enter the little boy sistem
|||Izuku's pov:|||

Doc- "I'm very sorry to inform but your son- .................."

I couldn't hear anything, the world just shut down to me
Everything is blurred
I-i j-just c-can't h-hear a-a-anything
I don't have a quirk t-that means i can't be a heroe, that means me and kacchan can't go tu U.A-
Wait u.a? Kacchan? What is he going to think, i know kacchan is my best friend but i know too that he as a high ego he is probably not wanna be friends with a quirkless kid........
A-and mom is she still gonna love me, am i gonna be just useless?
no no no No nO nO NO, NO that can be truth
I don't have anything against quirkless people but that can't be possible how i can be a hero if i don't have a quirk
Maybe i can.....maybe not
I-i don't known
After that me and mom got back home, i noticed her eyes were watery i think i maked her cry
Ho no no no no
I don't want to make her cry, is she mad at me?
We both enter the house, there is a strange/awkward silence in the air
I was going to my room to think about things when my mom called me, her voice was soft, sad, guilty a chamber of emotions

I didn't like it....
|||no one's pov:|||

Mamma inko- "Izuku....."-said the sad women with a broken voice, it was easy to notice that she was at a second of breaking into tears

Izuku- "Y-yes mommy..."-said the kid quietly, with fear in is voice

The mother starts walking slowly to her son before falling in her knees infront of him and giving him a tigh hug, immediately bursting into tears

Inko- "I'm sorry, im so so so sorry baby, it's all my fault"

Tears start falling quietly in the cheeks of little izuku, seeing his mother apologizing for a thing that isn't her fault i-it's his fault

Izuku- "Mommy....... do you think i can miss school tomorrow" - says izuku with his voice trembling,emotionless
Quietly hugging his mother back

The grown up green head silently nods
He couldn't think of anything his mind was



And then it was the start of the story of the incredible villain
"S3ven" but is past is not finished... yet

So wait for the next chapters hehe~
I hope you like it bye~~~ \(>o<)/
(1030 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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