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Full name: Baron Nele
[Pronounced - B-air-ann / Nell]


Age: Unknown

Species: Billy goat/Ibex Mountain Goat

Height: Body (12'0) ears (2 inch)

Ethnicity: German/Dutch



Baron was born into the WHS as an only child.
His father was a mage, and despite it being frowned upon and in some cases as-well, people were executed for using magic in the village, his father still practiced spell casting, although he mainly practiced Dark Magic.

Baron took an intrest in magic from a young age, his father noticed his fascination and before long he began teaching him the art.
He spent most of his childhood locked away in his home studying magic and other sorceries.

Him and his family had to remain hidden from the other townspeople, for fear they would discover his father's magic and kill them all.
Since he was too young at the time to withstand Dark Magic and it's affects, his father taught him simpler spells, such as telekinesis and some abilites the MindWalkers used.

Once he was old enough, his father began to teach him Dark Magic but he wasn't quite able to control/hide the shadowed affect under his eyes.
Some of the townspeople became suspicious of his father and intruded his home to inspect it for anything unnatural.

They stumbled upon Baron, and once they saw his face they accused him of being a witch and took him away.
His father pleaded for his freedom and eventually the townspeople decided to execute his father only instead.

After his fathers death, because of his sacrifice, he and his mother were allowed to leave yet they would never be able to return for being 'traitors' and magic wielders.
During their banishment, he and his mother found refuge among the MindWalkers of Silverkeep who were willing to let them stay until they could find a permanent home.

During their stay, Baron was taken in by the general of Silverkeep at the time and she taught him how to control the affects of the Dark Magic, allowing him to finally appear normal.

After a few years, he and his mother left the Silverkeep and settled in a small cabin not too far from the MindWalkers.
A year or so later, the WHS had begun an attack on Silverkeep, Baron went to assist them for helping him and his mother in the past.

He was struck down by the leader of the WHS, and after his death he chose to stay in the Void.
He remained on the outskirts of the Twisted Forest near the Star Sea since he had no family to return to there.

After many years, he came across Seifer in the Void.
Seifer had taken an intrest in his abilites so Baron offered to teach him, to which Seifer agreed.

Later on, before he could teach him to rid his face of the affects of the magic, Seifer left and never returned.
Baron grew impatient and anxious the following days after his sudden disappearence, he waited a long while before he finally realized Seifer wasn't returning.



Mainly Dark Magic, but he possesses other abilites such as telekinesis, elemental, and mimicing powers.
His 'powers' aren't as strong as people who might've been born with them, since he doesn't have the right amount of abnormal energy they do in order to make them more powerful.

Like Seifer, his sclera (the white part of the eye), turns black, as his pupils/eye color turns white when he is using Dark Magic.


{Extra info}

He can speak Marikin, but much like Maura, his is spoken in an older tongue.
It is impossible to know what year his Marikin stems from, and it is very hard to understand his language.
He, as-well, has an accent to go along with it, but it is faded.

He used to have purple eyes, but after he began using Dark Magic, they lost their color.

He is of both Dutch, and Northern German decent.
He can speak German fluently, since it was the main language his parents spoke, he has a heavy accent to go along with as-well.

He goes by the 'archmage' alias, although he is also referred to as a dark mage by others.

Baron loves tea, specifically tea with either honey or cinnamon.
When he isn't busy doing other things, he'd more then likely be found sitting with some tea and a chocolate biscuit of some kind.

He is ambidextrous.


{Personality and relations with others}

Baron is a wise gentle giant.

He doesn't like conflict and prefers to avoid it if he can, but if he must he will fight to the death.
He is loyal to those he holds close bonds with, and is willing to help anyone.

He is very gullible however, because of his 'trust of anyone' mindset.
He is always giving life advice to people and sharing his knowledge of magic with them.

He loves teaching people new things, but this can land him in some dangerous situations if they backfire.
He is aware of the things he tells people, and the things he teaches them, but he still refuses to think anyone would use it for evil or against him.

He is quite stubborn overall, but he is also in a way wise and intelligent, but not so shrewd with relationships and the concept of evil.

Despite coming off as a kind and otherwise oblivious to anything and anyone around him, he is extremely intelligent.
He can easily manipulate anyone if he so wishes too, as someone like him is the last person anyone would expect to be capable of such.

He does manipulate those he is suspicious of if he comes across them.
He ended up doing this when he first met Seifer, but after they continued to have interactions and bond Baron quit and instead focused on tutoring Seifer and helping him.

Only after Seifer left suddenly and didn't return did he learn that he himself was manipulated, and after this experience he vowed to teach himself to not continue to be as gullible as he had been before.
As of currently he still remains much of the same, although he is more hardened and less of the ignorantly overly kind person he had been before.


Headcanon voice(s)

{ Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan - Dues Ibi Est }

(Song voiceclaim) Voice accuracy - ☆☆☆☆

(Depending on the amount of stars, (that being between 1-5), accuracy basically just means the rating of how well the voice is fit for the character, a lower rating usually means it's either missing an accent or a certain pitch.)

(He is the male part, ovb.)

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