Written: August 13 12:30AM-18Aug 2021/October 04 20201

Published: October 04 2021

As promised some more of my fanart:)


Lix froze for a second before melting into the boy's warmth.

They silently sobbed, neither of them saying anything.

Lix's figure was shaking expressively and Changbin just let them hug him.

That was something no one ever had done for Lix.

No one ever dared to show mercy or any kind of comfort. Changbin now did and it made them feel safe in some way.

It showed a warmth that they hadn't had before.

All the times that they had silently been crying on the exact same spot on the dirty bathroom floor. All the times they heard people laugh outside of the door they locked, waiting for Lix to come out of the bathroom so that those assholes could continue what they started.

All of those times they suffered in silence and all alone.

Now they didn't.

Changbin was holding them which much tenderness, softly caressing their back by rubbing circles onto it.

He let Lix's salty tears soak his sweater. Silently waiting for Lix to run out of tears, but not in an impatient way.

It was like he actually cared.

Lix burried their face further into Changbin, their hands clutching onto his shirt tightly.

They stayed like that for a while, Changbin trying to comfort Lix the best he could, almost being able to give them the lacking comfort they had needed for a long time.

"Are you alright now?" Changbin asked when Lix pulled back, wiping their eyes with their long sweater paws.

Lix silently nodded, gulping while softly sniffing their nose.

"Do you think that you're going to class?" The older doubtfully asked, his voice soft and caring. His eyes showed a sort of special warmth that made him look really sweet and could make people feel safe by just looking into them.

Lix responded after thinking for a couple seconds by shaking their head slightly. They couldn't show up to class looking like this, with a swollen lip and wounded jaw while their eyes which were red and puffy from crying.

"Oh... alright... do you want me to stay with you?" Changbin sounded doubtful and was probably scared to say something wrong again.

Lix shook their head once again, not wanting to bother the older with their troubles.

"A-are you sure? I'd love to stay with you." He slightly stuttered out.

Lix shook their head once more, staring at an empty spot on the bathroom wall on the other side.

"Okay... If you need someone to comfort you or whatever or eh- I don't even know what I'm saying- but I'll be by the chemistry rooms at the other side of the building alright? Don't be scared to look for me."

Lix barely even nodded, their mind wandering off to why the fuck someone would even care about how they were feeling. Not that they knew the answer to that them-self.

They stared silently into an empty space, waiting for the older to leave so that they could break down on their own again.

They heard the sound of Changbin's black Doctor Martins walking over to the marble floor towards the bathroom door. He paused for a second, probably looking back at Lix who was mindlessly staring at nothing in particular.

Aggravated scars - ChanglixWhere stories live. Discover now