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Ms. Selene and I haven't spoken much since our shy exchange. The girl thought everything would've been back to normal by now, no more ignoring each other; yet Ms. Selene has done everything in her power to not lock eyes with the doe-eyed beauty. Belle did not understand her instant mood change and quite honestly felt saddened by it.

Had the small smiles not meant what she thought they meant? She could've sworn it would lead for them to talk again.

"What are you day dreaming about over there, princess." Zander teased the girl, throwing a piece of popcorn at her face to bring her back to reality.

Belle shot him a death stare as she grabbed the fallen piece of popcorn off of her lap and ate it, cringing at the amount of salt Zander and Azuela put on it. The girl should've known they were the more saltier type instead of the ones who pour a drastic amount of butter on it like she does herself.

"Nothing. Just bored of this movie Daria picked out." Belle chuckled lightly as Darias head whipped around to face her, her mouth hanging open in offense. Belle prepared herself mentally for the raging rant Daria was about to say.

"Excuse you! The Craft is an excellent movie and you will watch it till the end. Never disrespect such a wonderful movie ever again while being in the same room as me. Besides, It's almost over you big baby." Daria rolled her eyes at the end of her outburst, Belle knew she was only kidding around though, she's learned all of their senses of humor and personalities in only the short amount of time they've been friends. Zanders and Azuelas booming laughs made Belle wonder where the other mischief was at.

"Where did Clara go?" Belle asked aloud, she felt a bit guilty she was thinking of a woman she could never have instead of paying attention to her friends.

"I think she went for a smoke." Maddison chipped in. She had been quiet all night except for the casual "stop it, Zander!" I shoot her a warm smile and make my way to the backyard.

Outside, Clara was parched up on the brick wall, her leather jacket had little rips forming near the ends from being worn every day like a second coat of skin. Her fading, pink hair was in a messy bun, a few pieces becoming loose from the harsh wind that blew fiercely.

"I was wondering where you ran off to." I spoke in a soft manner, only loud enough for her to hear it. Clara's eyes met mine and a small smile hinted at her baby pink lips.

"You of all people should know I would be taking a smoke break, only insane people could withstand those dorks in there for a long amount of time." Clara giggled at her own words, causing me to laugh along as well. I do admit, hanging out with them you do need about 5 to 10 breaks.

"Yeah, you're very correct. Zander and Azuela put way too much salt on the popcorn, it's not edible now." I shiver in disgust from the memory of the popcorn I ate as Clara's loud laugh rang through my ears.

"They love to put a lot of salt in the popcorn or really anything just to piss people off, they actually hate salty things." Clara revealed their evil tactic.

"Of course they do. They should just go ahead and get married, they act like a married couple anyways." I mumbled. Zander and Azuela love to argue and fight constantly, if they aren't fighting they're scheming.

"I wouldn't put it past them." Clara spoke softly as she locked eyes with me again, taking the last drag out of her cigarette and putting it out. The pink-haired girl walked closer to me as the sun started to set into a more orange color. "You know, you're very pretty, Belle. Too sweet for your own good. I truly adore you." And with that, Clara walked right back into the house of animals.

I feel like I'm always apologizing LMAO, but I'm truly sorry. I've been in a depressive episode and just got out of the mental hospital. I'm on new medication so let's hope that works :)!!! I hope this chapter was enjoyable, I'm trying to jump right back into writing :)!!!

-Kandy <33

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