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The rapid fist pounding against the girls door awoken her with a startle, causing her to rise from the bed quickly. Belle groaned, rubbing her temples with the tips of her index and pointer fingers. Her head was throbbing viscously, the sunlight that poured into her room not helping it lessen.

The girl got out of her bed slowly, taking each step towards her windows blindly, not wanting to look into the sun directly. Once her hands felt the silky fabric of her curtains, she shut them with a bit more force than necessary.

Opening her eyes with a sigh of relief, she made her way to her bedroom door to see who disturbed her slumber. Who Belle didn't expect to see was Clara and her group of no good friends, causing her to freeze up a bit.

"Good morning, princess. Nice pajamas." Zander said as he took in the younger girls attire while brushing past her and entering the girls room.

Belle quickly looked down to see she was wearing a champagne colored night gown, she didn't understand what was so wrong with it, but seeing how everyone was dressed to impress, she got a bit self conscious.

Daria, Azuela, and Maddie mumbled a 'good morning' with small smiles as they also slipped past her and entered the girls room.

Belle couldn't believe their mannerisms. Who just walks into someone's room without their approval?

'At least they had the decency to knock' the girl thought to herself.

"How are you feeling? We feel really bad, Belle." Clara said as she entered the girls room, but unlike the others, she asked. It made Belle smile.

"Oh, I'm great. I totally didn't get a ride home from my teacher and embarrass myself." I say sarcastically as I close my bedroom door harshly, making some of the photo frames that were hung on my wall rattle from the force.

"At least you're doing great." Zander said with a shrug, making Daria hit him across his chest.

"She was obviously being sarcastic, idiot." Daria said with a roll of her eyes, running her ring covered fingers through her dark hair.

Belle walked over to her bed with a face that showed misery. The girl hated how careless she was to show she wasn't a princess as Zander would call her. Belle fell back onto her bed, her chestnut brown hair sprawling out around her.

"Well, I'm sorry for giving you a bad impression of me. I hope we can be friends." Maddie said sincerely as she walked over to Belle, laying down beside of her. Maddie knew she didn't do anything wrong, but seeing as her brother is a dick, she apologized on both of their behalf's. The blonde-headed girl knew her brother wouldn't apologize, he never does. But Maddie was hoping he would at least mumble an apology soon.

Belle smiled sweetly at Maddie, the need for forgiveness was evident in the girls big green eyes.

Before Belle even had the chance to reply, everyone else jumped onto her bed as well. They all smothered her with apologizes, even Zander. Maddie gave her brother a small smile, one to which Zander rolled his eyes at. He did feel a bit guilty for causing the younger girl such distress, but he'd never admit that openly.

The apologizes made the younger girl blush, not used to having this many people want her as their friend.

"Okay!! I forgive you guys! Now stop jumping around, you're going to break my bed." Belle exclaimed with a wild laugh as everyone hugged her.

The girl never held grudges, she was raised to be forgiving and kind. It didn't mean she didn't hate the way people could walk over her knowing she would forgive them.

The group started talking about wether they should go to the beach or the movies tonight, but Belle was to engrossed in her thoughts on a certain teacher to chime in. She didn't know how to face her tomorrow, she was utterly embarrassed with the state she was in last night.

Ms. Selene was thinking of the girl too, wondering why on earth the younger girl was drinking. Not that it was any of her business, but Belle looked so innocent. The red-headed teacher was wondering how to approach the situation tomorrow, not wanting to embarrass the brown-headed girl.

Both of them wanting to know what the right thing to say will be, if they should even bring it up at all. The older woman was hoping maybe the younger girl was too drunk to remember their encounter. But it was all the younger girl could think about.

The way Ms. Selene's pale, warm hand gripped the girls wrist tightly in order to drag her to the car. The way the woman's green eyes looked at her with worry every time the girls head flew back with the car movements. For the first time in a long time, the girl felt cared for.

Ms. Selene broke school rules by driving that girl home, if anyone found out she would be fired on the spot. As much as she hated her job, teaching kids who didn't listen nor did their work, she needed the money. But seeing the younger girl in such a state all by herself, she didn't care to break one rule.

But that will be the only rule the woman breaks, she promised herself that. No more giving the younger girl rides home, regardless of the situation. She decided she'd just call the brown-headed girl a cab if needed.

Belle knew deep down that Ms. Selene will become something more than a teacher to her. Maybe a friend? The girl didn't know.

Neither of them would admit this to themselves, but they had both taking a liking to each other in such short time. Ms. Selene liked how passionate Belle was about poetry, how her poets were so beautifully written. None of the students she's ever taught cared that much about poetry, it warmed her heart.

Belle liked the way Ms. Selene pretended to be cold and tough, but after seeing the woman care for her last night, she knew it was a facade. And Belle wanted to know every little thing about Ms. Selene.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while, it's been a hectic couple of weeks! But I've set a schedule for myself. I will update this book every Tuesday and Thursday, maybe Sunday too ;)! Stay safe and may the universe be in your favor <33.

-Kandy 🤍

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