The Three "Friends" Night.

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It was a nice evening. The sky was slowly turning a darker shade of purple with each passing moment, and the stars were presenting a subtle glow. We, as in, myself, Uto, and Gia were taking a nice stroll. Well, we had actually planned to go to Ray's apartment for a little get together with all our friends. While on our merry way, a conversation sparked up.

"I hope you guys actually KNOW where we're going."

Uto was always so doubtful in us. Everything we said or did, he would always second guess it. It was kinda annoying. I opened my lips to say something but, Gia beat me to it.

"I wish you would quit being irritating all the time. I have the GPS on my phone right here. Stop being such a pain, I KNOW where i'm going."

Oh. She took the words right out of my mouth. Shes twice as annoying though so why is she speaking. I will never understand how I became friends with these two.

"I'm hungry. Can we stop to grab a bite first?"

They both looked at me as if I was crazy. What did I say wrong?

"Yari. You better eat the damn air because we are literally 3 minutes away. There would be no point paying for food when we're gonna eat anyway."

Gia is so mean to me. I was planning to pay for it by myself anyways but, I guess.

"I knew you guys secretly had something against me. I'm going anyway and you monkeys aren't gonna stop me."

I ran to the nearest restaurant and decided to eat there. I wasn't gonna stay long, I never planned to. I just wanted to eat and they should know by now how I get when i'm hungry.






Gia and Uto ended up following me into the restaurant anyways. Saying they were mad was a bit of a understatement but, I did not give a shit. I was hungry and Ray's sad excuse for a bum ass party can wait— ... Sorry. That was mean. I love Ray. Anyways, We walked in and ordered our food. I also decided to buy a bottle of alcohol for us to take to the get together.

"Why are you eating so loud. Its never that good."

Here her BLACK ASS go again.

"Why are you so enamored with me enjoying my meal, real talk."

"And why are you so stupid and aggravating."

These two never stop arguing, but I guess I have no room to talk either. I offered that we all play a little shot game. We were gonna ask personal questions about each person and each time we didn't wanna answer, we'd have to take a shot. I almost forgot how much they knew about me. So, I took my first shot. Then I took another. Anddd another. And before I knew it, I was full on drunk.

It appeared I wasn't the only one dead drunk. Uto and Gia were sloppy and all over the place as-well, thats good. At least i'm not the only one who lost.

"G-guys *hiccups* I have a crraaazzzyyy iDeA."

To be honest, Whatever Uto was about to say, I frankly didn't care. My mind was elsewhere. Waaayy elsewhere. Before I knew it, My hand was being grabbed and dragged to the restaurant restroom. I was pushed into a stall and Gia was right next to me. I was sorta confused about the situation we were in, but yet again, I literally did not care about what was happening right now.

Uto locked us in the stall so now it was just the three of us. In a stall. A small stall. Together.

"Guys... Whaddaya say we try a little, something."

Before I could speak, my mouth was agape of what my eyes were beholding. Uto and Gia were... kissing? They was very detailed, tongue to tongue, breath to breath, this was gonna be a long night.


"Its almost been a whole hour.. What the hell is taking those apes so long."

Ray's party has already started and she's been wondering what was taking the three of us so long, People were eating, playing games, talking, arguing, the usual with this crowd of friends.

"So Yeri, whats going on with you and six?"


Joshua was irritating everyone at the party, not surprising. Somehow, Will and Joshua managed to start another argument amongst themselves again. Rustic was being stupid and just calling himself a thug every chance he got, Jai and a friend she invited were playing rock, paper, scissors on the sleek couches, Yeri stood up from her spot and decided to step outside, and Ray and Sklitana were in the kitchen cooking and chatting.

"Sklitana, Pass me my phone real quick."


"All you had to do was pass my phone you difficult shniderider."

Ray grabbed her phone in hopes of them picking up or responding to calls, no answer.

Back To Them...

We all walked out the stall an absolute mess. Gia's hair was tangled, My hair was frizzier than before, and Uto looked raggedy as always. We realized because of the "fun" we had, we became extremely late. I personally think it was worth it though


"Heyyyy! We finally made it!"


I guess they don't want us there anymore. Well damn.


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