Saving Elizabeth

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I woke up in the hospital. My mom was sitting on the bench, crying."Mom. What's wrong?" She looked up and I could see the sadness in her eyes. "Mom." I said worriedly. I had no idea why I was in the hospital. My father walked in at that moment. He grabbed my hand and started crying. I suddenly got really tired so I closed my eyes.

Then I woke up as the doctor walked in and pulled up a chair. " Elizabeth, there's no easy way to say this so I'm just going to say it. You have... cancer." My mom burst into tears. I have never seen my dad cry, but right now, he was balling. It all made since. I had the symptoms of cancer for a while. I heard on the news that an old lady died of cancer. I was curious to what the symptoms were so I googled it. I had all the signs of cancer but I didn't realize it.

"Elizabeth, you start kemo next week." The nurse said as she handed me a small cup of cool water. She handed me a pill. "This will help with the pain." My headache hasn't gone away yet. "When do I get to go home?" "Actually, before kemotherapy , we're going to be transporting you to a more advanced hospital, so you will be staying in the hospital and attending school there." The nurse said. "What about my parents?" I exclaimed "They'll have regular visitation." --------Alright the first chapter. Is it good or.. comments are welcome. Critism is good, but not to harse, this my first story.I will update as much as possible.

Mom's (Carol's) POV--------

The ride home was an awkward silent one. We had nothing to talk about so I said, "I can't believe our poor Elizabeth has...cancer!" And with that, I exploded into tears. "I know Carol. It's gonna be okay." Joe had said before a car ran a red light, and we slammed into the side of a big black SUV. We had hit the SUV with so much impact, Joe had died instantaniously and I had died a few days later in the hospital my 13 year old daughter was being treated with cancer.

Elizabeth's POV-------

"They...they what?" There was no way what I was hearing was true. "Your mother and father have died in a terrible car accident on there way home Saturday evening"

The very nice nurse said with compassion and sympathy. How could anything else going wrong. I had been diagnosed with cancer and my parents just died. It took me a minute, but I started crying, wishing for this to just be over with. --------- Done. Updates coming soon. Keep reading.

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