Let the games begin

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We walked out of the office together, and I saw a smirk come to her face. I kept my head down trying to ignore her, but it sadly didn't work.  "I know your little secret." my face flushed, and I knew I had been caught. "What are you even talking about?" I tried to look her completely, but failed. She laughed and shook her head like those models do in the fans to blow back their hair and I turned my head in disgust. Garret would never pick me over her, I might as well just give up..  "Your little crush on my boyfriend, well, leave him alone. He's not interested in some tomboy that can kick someone's ass in three minutes. He wants a girl who can show him some.. real fun." My head shot up, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My Garret wouldn't do such things with a girl like her. Alexis started laughing at me again, and with another hairflip she was gone. I darted into the bathroom as the tears rolled down my cheeks again. I was extremely late for my first block, but I didn't care. The so called love of my life, was screwing around with some other girl, and I was planning on getting even.


After prepping myself, and reapplying make up I strolled into my class. I opened the door to see Mrs. Prikner at the board discussing the usage for bombs, and when was the correct and incorrect times to use them. I sighed, at least I hadn't missed anything new. Then, I heard Mrs. Prikner grunt and I looked over at her. "Madison! where have you been! Alexis showed up 15 minutes ago and you've been MIA" I almost rolled my eyes at the abbrevation. She was a FBI wannabe. Without a word I took my seat next to Isabella who shot me a concerned look, but I shrugged it off. We'd discuss it later. The rest of the class flew by, and then lunch was here. I walked to my normal spot in the lunch room, and stopped dead when I saw Alexis sitting with Garrett and two other guys in the space that my friends and i used to inhabit. I walked over and set my tray down on the table. I heard Alexis giggle at Garret extra loud, and I looked over. They were locked lips. I quickly turned my head around, not used to a sight like that around here. Our school had expectations, and hooking up was not on the do gooder list. I heard a familar gasp and turned around to see Isabella's shocked expression, and Olivia's death grip on her tray. I patted the spots next to me and they quickly sat down. "What the heck are they doing in our spots! We have sat there since sixth grade!" Before I could tell her to calm down she was up, and stomping over to Garrets table. I felt the blood run out of my face as I heard he say, "Hey Garret" her voice was two sweat, and I knew something was coming. "Sooo, Garret, you know Maddie, Alexis, and I have sat here since like forever.. so what are you doing." I watched as Garret shifted uncomfortably under the pressure of Olivia's death glare. The whole Cafe was now staring, and I could feel my palms starting to sweat uncontrollably. "Well, Alexis wanted to sit here so we just.. did." Olivia's death glare went to Alexis's smug face. She must have planned for this. "So, this was your idea?" Alexis's smile grew wider as she leaned across the table and whispered something into Olivia's ear. When she was finished I could see the shock run across Olivia's face. Then, a devilish grin reappeard. I secretly smiled to myself.. I knew that Olivia wouldn't let me down. "Well, I guess no one let you know this when you came, but no one hear can do your games better than me, and were about to get this started. With that she turned around and walked back to our table. The "ohhhhs" and "ohh my gosh's" started and I saw Olivia grin at herself. When she sat down I looked back to Alexis to see that she wasn't staring at Olivia, she was still glaring at me. What did my best friend just get me into.. I groaned and put my head on the table trying to calm, but it was usueless

A Teenaged Spy with a CrushWhere stories live. Discover now