Chapter 10: Something New

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"Isn't it weird?" Korra said, laying back against her bed, lazily rotating a small ball of water in her hand. "That little girl's name was Katara. Call me crazy, but she reminded me of the old Katara for a little bit."

Asami stared at the small ball of water as it glistened in the sunlight. There was something about that girl, she agreed. But she definitely didn't remind Asami of Katara. She sat at Korra's desk, turning her attention to an old radio Tonraq had given her that had long been broken. She couldn't completely figure out how to fix it.

"Yeahtotally." Asami said, distracted by the inner workings of the circuit board. It was very ancient technology, far before the advanced time of Future Industries tech. Stuff like this interested her. This was a challenge she couldn't ignore.

"I mean, it's not like I knew Katara when she was our age, because that would be impossible, I guess. That was like a hundred years ago. I just felt like I knew her somehow, you know? Asami? Asami are you listening to me?" Korra said, sitting up while still maintaing the perfect sphere of water.

"Mmhmm" Asami said, biting her lip as she contemplated the primitive radio. She just had to take that gear and rotate it there. Attach that to this. Hmm. There's no working battery in here. I wonder how I could get it working. Then it hit her. Hello! I have the Avatar with me! World's greatest source of power! She thought, smiling in satisfaction.

"Hellooo?" Korra said, waving her hands in Asami's face out of nowhere.

Asami was startled. "Whoa!" Where did she come from?

She fumbled the radio in her hands and it slipped. She clumsily reached out to grab it in surprise, but she failed. Oh no. Asami anticipated the sound of the delicate circuitry crashing to the ground.

No crash. Huh.

The radio was suspended in a vacuum of air. Luckily, Korra had saved it.

"What's this thing? A radio?" Korra questioned, turning it over in her hands as she tried to identify it.

"Yup. And it almost broke. Nice save." Asami said. "Now, can I have it back please?"

"Hold on, I want to see it. It looks so old!" Korra laughed. "Why doesn't it work?"

"I'm trying to fix it. The battery isn't working. I can't figure it out." Asami said, leaning back and folding her arms. She hadn't realized how tired she was. She looked out the window where the amber light of the sun began to meet the calm waters of the ocean. It was almost nighttime.

"When did it get so late?" Asami said in bewilderment. It hadn't been that long had it?

"Uh, that's usually what happens. The sun goes down, the moon comes out. Day to night. That kind of thing." Korra said, still staring at the radio.

Asami shook her head. How long had she been trying to fix that radio? Had it only been that afternoon when they rescued Katara?

She saw the little girls face and saw it light up with joy as the little girl eased her tiny palms into their hands, first Asami's then Korra's.

"Wait. You said the battery isn't working right?" Korra said, her eyes lighting up as loose strands of hair fell across her face.

Asami nodded, snapped out of her daydream. She had no idea where Korra was going with this. Korra wasn't exactly the best person for fixing mechanical things.

Korra closed her eyes.

"Korra? What are you doing?" Asami said softly.

"Shh" Korra said, putting one finger to her mouth.

Light pulsated from Korra's palms as energy flowed from her hands to the radio. The gears on the radio began turning as it whirred to life. A jazzy tune started to emanate from the speakers, muffled, then slowly clearing up.

Asami watch in awe. How was that even possible? How could Korra even do that? Asami couldn't understand it, and she didn't really want to. The Avatar could do weird things.

Korra opened her eyes.

"Don't ask how I did that. I don't know how I did." Korra said, raising her hand.

Asami smiled. She took Korra by the hand. "It doesn't matter."

Something in the music lifted Asami's soul and she could feel it within her feet as if they had a mind of their own.

"You remember how to do this?" Asami said, the smile still bright on her face. "The way I taught you?" She grabbed Korra's other hand.

Korra smoothly move closer to Asami, and pressed her body up against her own. Asami felt her heart flutter like it always did.

"Let me show you something new, Miss Sato." Korra said, her voice barely audible in Asami's ear. "Hold onto me and don't let go."

"I'm never letting you go. Not ever again." Asami said, holding tightly.

The ground disappeared from beneath her feet. The pair were a few feet off the ground, atop a cushion of air.

"I love you so much Asami. I'm going to spend every moment of the rest of your life making sure that you know that. I'm never going to hurt you ever again." Korra said, still tightly embracing the engineer.

"You never could hurt me, Korra. I've always loved you too much." Asami said, closing her eyes as a single tear fell, before the oceans began to rise.

Everything was perfect.

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