Villager's house.

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It was a cold, stormy day in Smashville. You were hanging out in Villager's house, you were spending a day or two at his home. He talked to you about all the fights he won under 20 seconds, and how he beat Bowser at an arm wrestling contest, while he fixed you dinner. You thought he was a bit of a show off.

Both of you enjoyed dinner together, and hung out some more. With every passing second you felt a stronger connection to him and felt blissful whenever he looked into your eyes.

Later that evening, you watched a film together. It was about two strangers who fell in love on a famous ship and a great sacrifice is made when the ship begins to sink. You and Villager sat beside each other while watching the movie, you squirmed like a 7 year old child when the 'adult scenes' came on but Villager didn't budge.

In the middle of the film you saw that Villager's eyes were fluttering, he looked sleepy. You got an antique looking quilt and put it on Villager, who was barely conscious, and yourself. You looked at Villager as he slowly dozed off.

"Do! No way I have a crush on hi-" as soon as you could finish thinking Villager fell asleep with his head on your shoulder and his hand on your chest, it felt like he was cuddling with you. You blushed, patted his head, and turned off the TV.

You tried to fall asleep, but you couldn't. You couldn't stop thinking about Villager and his amazing features; his big dark eyes you could easily get lost in, his triangle nose that was the perfect size for his face, and how well you could read his face. You thought, and thought, and thought until you fell asleep..

The next morning you awoke to the smell of pastry and fruit, you saw that Villager was gone from your side. You told yourself he was in the kitchen, you then went and got dressed in your favourite sweater and sweatpants before heading upstairs.

When you walked into the kitchen, Villager had made what seemed like breakfast for royalty. Your eyes shimmered when you saw all of the food he made. " you made this all by yourself??" You asked. He nodded, "..thank really didn't have to do that..!" You told him. He gave you a loving smile.

You and him ate together, you looked outside and saw it was a cloudy but, humid day. Villager finished up his food and said he was going outside to do some work, you replied 'ok' and off he went.

You walked outside and into an orchard to find the brunette lad and there he was, out of breath from digging up and burying apple trees. You got sweaty and antsy seeing him shirtless. He greeted you and grabbed your hand and tugged on it, you knew he wanted to show you something.

He lead you through the trees and into a very fancy garden, he walked you to a bench with a water fountain right behind it. Flowers were everywhere, he faced you while sitting on the bench with you and handed you a beautiful red cosmo. You blush,"o-oh! Thank you, Villager!" You say to him. He gives you a smile and holds your hands.

You and him lock eyes for a few seconds before he leans in, and kisses you. You blush again, your face was as red as a tomato. You pause with a stupid grin on your face, the grin that makes you look constipated. Villager blushes and looks to the side with a dumb facial expression too.

To break the awkward silence you put your hand on his leg and looked him in the eye with a smile and heavy eyelids. He then put his arm around your torso, it sent chills up your spine. You let out a sigh, you and Villager watch a river flow, and may or may not have made out...

Later in the evening you sit on a couch while Villager lies on your stomach, it was very very humid and hot in his house so you took off your sweater while Villager was still shirtless. He was ranting to you about how he hates how people think he's 9 years old, and how he's still salty about not being invited to Brawl, and all that stuff.

Villager was still chatting away and you were drifting, just something about resting your chin on his head and him laying above you while classical K.K. Albums were being played on his stereo was cozy to you. So Villager's 'voice' was fading as you fell asleep holding him tight.

You were awoken the next morning by a message on your phone from your brother. "Y/N! Come back home it's an emergency! I'm not joking come home!" A text bubble read. "Ok..? What's the problem?" You sent back to your brother. "You'll see when you get home just...pls come back..." you tell your sibling you'll be home later with feelings of sorrow.

Then you looked at a clock and the time read '8:46 AM'. "Hmph, usually I'm not up this early!" You mutter to yourself, you look over at Villager and see that he is still sleeping on you. You wanted to get up and pack, but didn't want to disturb his rest. What would you do? Your brother sounded desperate, and he usually wakes up around 2:00 pm..

You made the decision to try and slip out from under Villager, but that just barely worked. You were surprised that Villager didn't wake up, you thought he might've died.. you started packing your items even though you didn't want to. You couldn't leave your family hanging, what if someone got hurt! Or died! You had to go....

As you were folding your clothes, Villager awoke. You looked at him and then looked at the ground shortly after. "Morning.." you told him, he waved at you. He then saw what you were doing and questioned you, you then told him about your brother and how he's acting weird. Villager understood.

You finally finished up packing, so you brought your bag up to his living room and headed to his kitchen. He made you another wonderful breakfast, you were sad about leaving.

Villager told you the train to your home town was coming in a half an hour. You didn't need to rush, but Villager did offer to walk with you to the station.. and you couldn't pass up that offer.

It was a rainy day, the weather was gloomy the past few days but you didn't mind. You walked under an umbrella with Villager, you two talked about how they were going to miss one another.

You two finally arrived at the station and had a few minutes before the train arrived.
He grabbed the collar of your shirt as to pull you down, you squatted and looked at Villager. He tucked a red rose in your hair as the train pulled up. You blush and hug him, he hugs you back.

You really didn't want to leave but had to, so eventually you let go of Villager and waved goodbye to him. You knew you would see him again one day, maybe in a tournament..or back at his sat down in a seat on the train. It was empty in the train, the train then began to move.

As the train left the station you saw Villager waving to you by the station, you did a small wave knowing he couldn't see. You looked at the red cosmo he gave you the other day and then put it on the left side of you.

You were playing on your phone an hour into the trip and got a message from Villager, it was a selfie of him with captions below it reading; 'I miss you :)'. You smiled and saved it on your phone. You then closed your eyes and leaned your head on the window as your train was on its way your way home.

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