Delinquents Vs. Grounders

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When the hundred first landed on Earth they never once thought there could be survivors. To them they were all alone on an uninhabited planet- the last of the human race. And so they explored, frolicked around in the woods, had a grand celebration, and overall had fun. For once in all their lives they were finally free. But the high could only last so long before the hunger began to set in. The Ark didn't not send many supplies, and even fewer ration packs to eat, let alone it being enough for hundred teens and preteens, which left them with no other choice... They had to hunt and scavenge for themselves. In so doing it meant the hundred had to create weapons', think of hunting tactics, and hone in on the Earth skill lessons they were taught on the Ark.

Many plants and animals changed vastly over the 97 years they were in space. Not many resembled anything they read about in the books in space. And the only creatures they seemed to find the most were that of deer and moose, with a few stray rabbits and wild boar. They struggled at first, finding edible and medicinal plants and being able to track down and kill the food they needed to survive. The hundred were sloppy, and loud, which pushed the game further into the woods to hide, giving them no other choice but to travel further and further from camp. As time went on they learned to be stealthier-more quiet- as they hunted game in the woods. Several hunting parties were arranged each day to map out the terrain and find the best areas possible for finding the animals and best hiding spots so they aren't seen.

Today the hunting groups have returned with three deer and one boar, enough to feed all of the delinquents to fill their bellies. As the game is taken to the skinning section and new smoke house they've built, the hunters fall in line in the strategic tent. It was the largest tent in camp with a makeshift table set up in the middle. Each hunting member surrounds the table as they watch on of their leaders, Finn Collins draw lines on a map. A new area for them to explore in search of more food.

As they go over the map the Ark had given them, looking for new hunting routes and wood to build shelters on, someone new storms through the tents flap. When John Murphey makes his entrance two new comers, Monty and Jasper, are on his heels.

"Finn, we got a problem." Murphey glares at the two who followed but gestures for them to step up as he looks back between Finn and Miller, the second person in charge of camp.

"What's wrong?"

"Its Harper. She's missing."

"Harper? The nursing intern?" Finn asks.

Its only been a week since they've been on Earth, and as one of the hundred's leaders he was still learning the names of everyone in the camp. But Harper was one of the ones who stood out due to her experience in being a nursing intern who was training to be an assistant on the Ark; that is to say before she was arrested. Not only did her skill set make her stand out, but so did her friend group with Monty and Jasper, whom somehow became friends with Murphy- more like acquaintance with inside jokes, but friendly none the less. Harper was rather more close to Monty than the others, so when he says she's missing then he must be worried. But the hundred were still low on food supplies and needed to increase their food storage, which made food their priority, not an individual.

"Are you sure she's not out foraging for supplies? Or medicinal plants? She does that a lot during the day. Maybe she traveled further than normal and will be back later." Even with Finn's logical thinking, Monty wanted to hear none of it. None of the others knew Harper like he did.

"I'm sure of it. She always tells someone when she goes out or leaves a note telling us what's she's doing in case she gets lost. Harper always comes back before sundown no matter what. And if she goes far she brings someone with her. I'm telling you that something is wrong, she's missing."

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