Bree Sierra

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Rick - *Ahem* I now present to you, Bella.

Bella - I don't own Percy Jackson. Evil Uncle Rick does.

Rick - Oh, shut up... Unless you want me to kill Percabeth?


So, I am the most popular person in Goode High, and everyone worships the ground I walk on. 

Everyone except Percy Jackson, the hottest guy in school. I heard he, like, blew up the music room his first year here. Isn't that so hot?!

It's common sense for us to be together, right? I'm the prettiest at school with my platinum blonde hair and my icy blue eyes - which totally aren't contacts and hair dye. I also have a rockin' bod. Percy is hot with his sea green eyes, black hair, and amazing abs. Isn't science always saying that things alike attract???

Whenever I make a move on him, though, he rejects me. But today is gonna be different. I am wearing my most revealing clothes and my boobs are extra perky.

I walk up to Percy's locker and tap his shoulder. He turns around, and looks at me with what is either adoration or disgust. I am going to go with adoration because, duh - I'm me. 

"What do you want Bree? I have to leave. My girlfriend is picking me up today," Percy's voice sounded annoyed for some reason. 

He is always talking about this amazing girl who has blonde princess curls and stormy grey eyes. I bet he is telling everyone that because he is waiting for me to be extra forward in asking him out. 

"Percy, everyone knows that girl isn't real! Admit it, you want me," I twisted a strand of my straight, smooth hair. 

"Um, no!" Percy said those final words and walked towards the doors. I followed him stealthily, even though everyone's eyes were on me because, hello, I'm the most beautiful person here!

When Percy got to a blue ferrari, there was a girl leaning on the car. She had dull blonde hair and bland eyes. Is this the girl Percy has been talking about? She's probs a blond bimbo (I hope everyone here knows that isn't true.) 

Percy kisses her, and I interrupt them, pulling Percy back and slapping the girl. At least that's what I was trying to do. That bitch caught my wrist and pushed it away. She then flipped me! Owi, my daddy's gonna hear about this!!

Without even a word, they left, taking my determination with them. 


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