Chapter Thirteen

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As February came around I realised it was nearly Tom's birthday. It was a day I had tried to ignore for years now but I would never forget the date. I expected that Tom would have plans with his friends and family this year but I still still wanted to get him a gift.

After work one evening I said my goodbyes to Jess and headed towards Oxford Street on my way home. There were loads of shops there and I would definitely be able to find something suitable. I decided to head to Selfridges first and went straight to the men's section.

I was surrounded by lots of ideas but I just didn't know what to get him. When I had known Tom before I probably would have got him some unusual book which he would have then read for hours but although this was the same Tom, I just didn't feel I knew him the same just yet.

Deciding to play it safe I decided to opt for a pair of cuff links as with his work he was always wearing dress shirts. Looking along the display of cuff links I managed to find a pair that were just Tom's style and purchased them straight away along with a navy tie I spotted on my way to the checkout.

Pleased that I had managed to sort out a gift I headed back to the tube towards home lifting my phone out to text Tom on the way.

What do you have planned for your birthday?

I was halfway across London before I received Tom's reply.

Nothing actually. Do you fancy coming round for dinner?

I was amazed. The Tom Hiddleston didn't have any birthday plans. I knew that birthdays had always been a big occasion for Tom's family so it seemed strange that he didn't have a get together planned for his birthday.

I can't have you cooking on your birthday. Why don't you come round to mine instead? Say 7pm?

This time I didn't have long to wait at all for his reply.

Sounds perfect. Thank you x

His birthday was on a Saturday so as I woke up that morning I got myself ready and headed out to the store to buy the ingredients I would need for the meal. I decided to make a meal that was special from our past, sausage Ragu. It was the very first meal I ever cooked for Tom and when we were together it became one of his favourites. I just wondered if he remembered.

Once back home with all my shopping, I set to work first preparing a chocolate gateau for dessert before I began to make the sauce for the pasta. An hour before Tom was due to arrive I jumped in the shower and then got changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a cami top. I looked around the apartment at the home Tom and I used to share and couldn't believe I was actually preparing a meal for him again after all this time.

Tom arrived punctually at seven and greeted me with a kiss to the cheek as I opened the door.

"Happy Birthday" I said stepping back to allow Tom in.

"Thank you" he smiled back. "And thank you for agreeing to spend my birthday with me."

"Of course" I replied. "Come through and I'll get you a glass of wine."

Tom followed me through to the kitchen where I found two wine glasses and poured us each a glass of the red wine I had bought earlier. My kitchen was tiny and I could sense Tom's closeness to me as I poured. My heart was beating quickly as my mind went into overdrive thinking about his hands on me. I tried to shake these from my head as a brought a smile to my face and turned around to face Tom holding one of the glasses out to him. He took it from me and I toasted to his birthday.

I handed him the gift I had wrapped for him and I was pleased to hear him say that he loved them as he opened then. He even changed the cuff links on the shirt he was wearing to the pair I had bought them.

"Thank you, I love them" he said with a grin.

I was relived when Tom went to sit at the table to allow me to finish the sausage ragu. I felt my body loosen from the tension as he walked away. I took a deep breath and tried to tell myself I had to get over this before I served the sausage Ragu out onto two plates.

As I walked through to the table and placed one of the dishes in front of him I could see the recognition in his eyes.

"Is this?" He asked pointing to the dish.

"You remembered?" I questioned.

"Of course I remembered" Tom replied his eyes meeting mine causing a surge of electricity through my body. "I have tried the replicate this dish so many times over the years but it had just never been the same."

I gave Tom a small smile and began to eat, trying not to think about the girlfriends he may have tried to make this dish for.

"Are you okay?" Tom asked looking at me with concern.

"I'm fine" I lied trying not to meet his eye.

"Come on Hols, you know you can talk to me" Tom replied.

I lifted my eyes from my plate to meet Tom's again. His eyes were kind and comforting just like they were all those years ago.

"Have you been in love since?" I asked before instantly regretting my question. "I'm sorry forget I ever asked."

I felt Tom reach across the table and take my hand in his. I felt my pulse race at his touch.

"It's okay Holly. This is me you are talking to. You know you can talk to me about anything and I won't mind." Tom replied squeezing my hand. "Yes I have seen other girls since but no I haven't been in love. You have been my only love Holly."

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