Chapter Fourteen

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With our workloads ever increasing by the day, weeks soon turned into months and we were soon approaching March in our first year at Cambridge University together. Our relationship had gone from strength to strength and we really were now inseparable.

"I am going home to visit my Mum this weekend" Tom said one Tuesday morning as we ate breakfast together.

I felt my heart drop as I thought about a weekend alone without Tom. I would have plenty of work to be getting on with, what with our first year exams only a couple of months away but I would miss him.

"Oh that's great, I bet your Mum has really missed you" I replied trying to keep the disappointment from my voice.

"Your invited too of course" Tom replied brightly "Mum is desperate to meet this Holly I can't stop talking about."

Tom watched for my reaction as I processed what he had just said. I wouldn't be alone this weekend at all, in fact I would be going to Tom's Mum's home. Wait, I would be meeting Tom's Mum for the first time. I instantly felt butterflies in my stomach at the thought of it. What if she didn't like me?

"Tell me what you are thinking?" Tom asked as his expression became concerned.

"What if your Mum doesn't like me?" I asked.

Tom reached across taking my hand in his giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Hols, I know my Mum is going to love everything about you. There is nothing to dislike. You are the most kind and thoughtful girl that I know" Tom replied.

By Friday afternoon the butterflies had only gotten worse, but I met Tom outside his room following my last class of the day and with our bags packed for the weekend we made our way to the train station to catch the train.

The train was busy but we managed to get seats together and an hour later we were both back in our home city, London.

Tom's Mum lived near Westminster so we caught a tube across the city and Tom led me up to a beautiful Victorian town house.

"Is this where you grew up?" I asked as I followed Tom up to the front door.

"It is" Tom replied with a smile. "I have many happy memories here."

Tom knocked gently on the front door and a dogs bark could be heard on the other side.

"You don't mind dogs do you?" Tom asked as the barking noise got closer to the door.

"I love them" I replied.

A lady opened the door and a small Jack Russell terrier ran out the door and jumped up into Tom's arms and immediately proceeded trying to frantically lick his face.

"It would seem Molly has missed you" the lady laughed as Tom managed to put the dog back on the ground but then she proceeded to run in circles around Tom's feet.

" Hi Mum" Tom said stepping forward to pull the lady into a hug. "It's great to see you."

As I watched their greeting I could see just how much Tom cared for his Mum.

"And this must be Holly?" She asked as Tom stepped back and for the first time since the door opened their attention was turned on me. I felt my face flush red as I stepped forward to greet Tom's Mum for the first time.

"It's great to meet you Mrs Hiddleston" I said as she pulled me into a hug.

"Please Holly, call me Diana" she replied.

Once all our introductions were over Diana led us into the house and through to the kitchen. She immediately set to work putting the kettle on whilst Tom and I took a seat at the kitchen table.

"Tom tells me you are studying law" Diana asked as she carried three cups of tea over to the table.

"Yes" I replied brightly. "I hope to one day qualify as a lawyer."

"Wow that is very exciting" Diana replied. "I bet that means an awful lot of studying for you then. I hope my son isn't too distracting for you."

"Not at all" I replied glancing to Tom with a smile. "He helps me so much and is always happy to test me when I am studying for exams."

"We help each other" Tom cut in placing his hand on mine on the table and giving it a squeeze. I watched as Diana watched this gesture with a smile to her face.

"I can see you mean a lot to each other" she replied.


I woke the following morning in Tom's old bedroom to find that I was alone. Tom must have already got up for the day. I slowly got out of bed and in my pyjamas made my way down the stairs.

I could hear voices on the other side of the kitchen door. It sounded like Tom and Diane were both in there talking. I was just about to open the door to say hello to them both when the sound of my name caught my attention. They were both talking about me.

"Holly is such a lovely girl Tom, you are very lucky to have met her" Diana said.

"She is Mum, I am just so glad that you have finally been able to meet her" Tom replied.

"I can see the way you are around each other and your face lights up when she enters the room Tom. You really care about her Tom" she continued.

"I do. I love her so much." Tom replied. "I know we are both still young but she really feels like the one Mum. I can really see myself spending the rest of my life with her."

I felt my heart fill with emotion at his words and in that moment all I really wanted to do was pull Tom into my arms but I didn't want to make it obvious that I had been listening. I gently pushed the kitchen door open and the talking stopped as they both turned to me with smiles.

"Good morning Holly."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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