the league of villains....

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Bakugou's pov:

I knew this was coming. As soon as I saw shitty hair and dunce face carrying deku last night. I knew he'd get sent home. Hopefully, they just took him to his actual guardian instead of his sorry excuse of parents.

When deku walked through the door, he kept looking down at his feet as he walked. Everyone started freaking out because they saw the bandages on dekus' arms.

Immediately, everyone started freaking out. They asked question after question. Deku didn't answer, though. He just kept walking. By the time he got back, everyone was screaming.  He was clutching his bag tightly with one arm.

Shitty hair grabbed dekus wrist, causing deku to come to a stop. Deku just kept looking down, not moving a single bit. I grabbed shitty hairs wrist and glared up at him. God, why was he so tall!

"Let him go," I growled lowly.

Kirishima glared back. "No! Fuck off bakugou!" He snapped back at me

I set off an explosion against his wrist, causing him to jerk his arm away quickly. Deku bolted out the door.

"What the hell is your problem!" Shitty hair yelled at me.

"YOU ARE MY PROBLEM!" I yelled back. I made a promise and I damn sure will be keeping it. I shoved past shitty hair going back to my room ignoring everyone's glares directed at me.


When aizawa came back he had everyone gather in the common room. "Midorya  was temporarily sent home, because he had fallen ill." There was a strain in his voice "He should be back in two weeks."

"Did you leave him with his parents?..." I asked cautiously.

"Yes I even saw his moth-" before he could finished I was out the door.

I had suspected that so I already had a shoes and jacket on. I launched myself into the sky with one explosion.  I then quickly cut through the air as fast as I could. When I got to the house I didn't bother knocking. I just kicked the door open and stomped over to Hajime, his adoptive mother, and yelled "Where is he?"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Get the hell out of my house! The damn brat ran off as soon as the teacher got out of sight.

I quickly ran out and towards the opposite direction of UA. He actually has alot of stamina so my gusse is the city near this town its only about 10 miles so I know he could have ran it in this amount of time. I just have to be quick.

A car pulled up beside me driving at the pace I'm running. Aizawa looked out. "Get in and tell me where." I nodded a bit and got in.

We drove for about an hour with little to no traffic. While Aizawa questioned me. "What is going on."

"That's none of your fucking business!" I growled.

He shot me a glare. "Tell me now bakugou!" He yelled. That's a first....

"It's not mine to tell! And you damn sure ain't gonna get it out of fucking deku!" I yelled back.

We stopped a a red light. "As his teacher I need to know!" He said in a low dangerous voice.

I snarled. "NO YOU DONT!" I saw a flash of green in the corner of my eye and I didn't waste a single second to get out of the car. I jumped over a car and ran towards an alley. As I approached it I slowed seeing another figure on the other side. So I listened in.

"Bitch I'm a fucking queen!" That was definitely dekus voice.... why does he sound so confident though?

"Your a fucking idiot!" A raspy voice said in response.

"Says you. Your just a moronic fool that thinks he knows anything but is just taking information from others and believe it." Deku shot back coldly.

The man with a raspy voice took what looked like glove off. "Say that again brat!"

"Oh no the man sized child is hangey." He purposely made his voice whiney.

I saw the man flung himself at Deku, but before I could move aizawa's scarf wrapped around the man. But as aizawa approached him the scarf disintegrated. Aizawa looked at me and nodded then activated his quirk on the man. I wasted no time turning the corner and walk to deku.

I couldn't help but notice it was abandoned on this street. And completely stained with blood. I looked at deku and he was just starring in shock at Aizawa.

"Let's go deku." I said in a low tone and grabbed his hand and lead him away from the scene. He looked so cute right now. How does he look this cute?

"Kachan what are you doing here?" He said in almost a whisper as he followed.

"Don't insult my intelligence deku! I'm not stupid and your a horrible actor!" I scoffed and took him to the car that aizawa had parked at a gas station near by.

"S-sorry kachan...." He kept his head low as he got in the car. I got in after him and about 5 minutes later of awkward silence Aizawa got in the car.

We headed back to UA. It took about 3 hours to drive back because of traffic. When we did get back I took deku back to the dorms knowing everyone else had gone to training. We went into his room and I started tearing it apart taking anything and everything he could use to hurt himself besides his necessities. He just sat their silently. I then took the bag out of his hands and dumped it out on the bed. There was only one blade in it then there was two outfits in it. I took all of the blades razors ext. and I left taking it all to aizawa then came back and helped him clean it all up.

I don't think he said a single word the whole time. Although,  it was obvious he would cry at any moment. When I heard the class start getting back I sighed and left not saying anything. As soon as I walked out of dekus room I ran straight into someone's chest. 'Well fuck here we go again.' I thought as I looked up at a pissed and worried kirishima.

"What were you doing in Midorya's room" he growled.

I rolled my eyes and looked up at him. "I was helping fucking deku! Got a problem shitty hair!?" I growled back.

He shoved past me and went straight into dekus room. I rolled my eyes and walked back to my dorm room.

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