Chapter 1 - The Hunting Game

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If there was something that the werewolves and the hunters shared then it would be their deep-rooted hatred for rogues. Rogues were easy to identify even for hunters. The beastly insanity that they had succumbed to stuck to them like a bad omen, it could be seen from a mile away.

Kristine crouched down behind a huge tree with her gun in her hands and sword hung loosely by her belt. She listened carefully for any movement, ready to attack. Since she was blindfolded, she had to rely heavily on the use of the rest of her senses.

One of the most important rules of hunting was that a hunter never looked into the eyes of the beast for too long, or at all if that was possible, be it wolf or rogue. This was due to the fear of the hunters that such wolf might succumb to some stupid beastly need dripping with insanity and forcefully take them away.

Mate bond, they called it. How ridiculous!

But it had happened in the past and for it not to happen again, they all stuck by the rule. Kristine, however, took extra safety measures by always hunting blindfolded.

At that moment, she heard a sharp penetrating gunshot that echoed across the forest and a loud howl of pain.

"Target 3 down. Captain, do you read me?" A female voice radiating with a sense of pride and achievement rang into her ears and she sucked in a deep breath.

That was Lily, her sister and the newest recruit of Squad A. It was no news that Lily's aim was to be just like her.

Lily's voice rang through the walkie-talkie once again, this time filled with worry. "Captain? Captain, do you read me?"

"Copy that."


The line went dead.

Three rogues were down now, that meant that she was left with the last one. The last one seemed to be cunny and more manipulative. From what she could gather, the rogue must have been subdued to its beast form long enough to be able to manipulate control.


She tensed up. It was closer now. She allowed herself to picture the forest in her mind, the movement of the wolf, the low threatening growls that she could hear, she took it all into account even her own low uneven breathing. For a while she stood still, then a wicked smile spread across her lips.

It was here.

The wolf leaped over her at that moment and she rolled on her back and shot into the air. The bullet jammed into the wolf's belly, it crashed against the leaves while it growled angrily in pain.

But killing wolves weren't that easy, so she wasted no time in reaching for her sword. She could hear it stand up and leap towards her in attack. She side stepped quickly but alas, the wolf must have been bigger than she pictured it in her mind because its long claws had scrathed her shoulders a little too deeply. Blood dripped out of the wound quickly and she gnashed her teeth in pain.


She snapped at herself in her head while she forced herself to push the pain into the far back of her mind. She then started to picture the forest and the wolf more accurately this time.

Sensing that she might not be an easy prey to take down, the rogue studied her just as she was studying it.

A logical rouge? Now that was different.

She had sensed what it was doing too. So, when it leaped for her this time, she just stooped low, dug her sword right into its heart and withdrew it quickly.

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