4. Instant Cruch

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Remus. Remus Lupin. It suited him well in Poppy's opinion. It was handsome, just like him. Although she still did not care to admit it, she had a schoolgirl crush on Remus. It was not hard to see why. He was intelligent and kind. He was humble and humorous. He was Poppy's dream guy.

However, Poppy felt a twang of guilt when doting over him. He was her teacher and a relationship between a student and a teacher would never work out. It wasn't entirely legal, even in the wizarding world. Even if he hadn't been her teacher, she believed that someone like him would never in a million years like someone such as herself. Poppy simply could not help but dwell on a love she deemed as unrequited.

The next day had rolled by in an instant and before she knew it, it was Wednesday, the day she had her private lesson with Remus after dinner. But that was not the only time she was to see Remus today. Very much like Monday, she had DADA in the afternoon. Double DADA, in fact.

Poppy and Ruby wandered up to the castle. They had just been in their Care of Magical Creatures class, which this year had been taught by Hagrid. Poppy was awfully fond of Hagrid. She believed that he was a kind soul. She had, from time to time, the odd cup of tea at his hut. He was pleasant company.

"Are you ready to see your to-die-for future husband?" Ruby said, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

Poppy let out a sigh. It was a response she had to most things Ruby said.

"What on earth are you on about?" Poppy asked, clueless as to who she was talking about.

"Professor Lupin! Duh!" She said a little too loudly.

"Miss Summers, can I help you?" A voice interrupted them. It was Remus. "Miss Summers, you just said my name. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Ruby sent Poppy a smirk, taking this as an opportunity to do something Poppy knew would embarrass her.

 Facing Remus, Ruby replied, "Why yes, Professor. I was just commenting on Poppy's hair today. She won't believe how beautiful it looks so I thought I'd ask someone with a more objective point of view."

Poppy's cheeks turned red. Of course Ruby had done this. The things she found most pleasurable in life were playing matchmaker and teasing Poppy.

"Miss Summers, that is highly inappropriate. I am your teacher," Remus replied flustered.

Poppy was equally as flustered as Remus. The situation was certainly inappropraite. There was an unmistakable sort of tension in the air.

Ruby whined. "Oh come on, Professor! Isn't she just gorgeous?"

Remus gave Ruby a strange look. It was apparent that he was concerned why she was asking him questions of that nature. He suspected she was up to something.

With a sigh, Remus replied, "Poppy, you look lovely. Now, the both of you need to hurry to class or I'll be issuing you both detentions."

Poppy remained quiet but Ruby, as dramatic as she was, commented, "But Professor, we're in your class next. You can't do that!"

"Well you'll just have to get to class before I do then."

The two girls rushed off. Poppy turned her head back to see Remus strolling at a leisurely pace with a smug look spread across his face. The pair made eye contact. He smiled widely at Poppy, a smile that she returned kindly with a blush. She turned her head back away from Remus and continued rushing to class.

"I cannot believe you did that, Ruby Summers!" Poppy exclaimed as they neared the classroom. "You are absolutely ridiculous!"

Ruby let out a loud laugh. "But did you see his face? He was like a tomato! Before you know it, the two of you will be making little professor babies!"

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