i met this person the other day and had this line of poetry bouncing around in my head and when meeting that person i seriously wanted to just do something horrible as they were really annoying in this i am so smart and better than thou attitude, perhaps they even used the word thou but i can't rely on my memory since they have horns in it....
I mean what I say,
And I say what I mean.
There are no lines
For you to read in between.
This is what I am
Although it may not be much.
I keep to this thought:
I'm real to the touch.
What is outside is in,
And what is inside is out,
A tear on my cheek, my heart on my sleeve.
I shrug, it's what honesty's about.
So, you might not get what I say,
What I mean, you might not get.
But there are limits to your idiocy
I'm willing to bet.
What I Think
PoetrySome of my philosophy of life...from my perspective...and those that I borrow. Enjoy.