Chapter 6

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I'm thinking of all that just happened as I walk to dinner.

Her hair feels like silk and she smells like books and tea.

And her laugh makes me feel at peace.

And when I make her smile, it makes me feel like I can take on the world.

I open the door to the dining room and take my sit at the end across from the king.

"Are you feeling better, King Tenebris?"

I leave my mind and return to the real world.

Verum asked a question.

"Oh, yes I am! Thank you, princess."

The girl's face turns as red as a tomato.

"I'm glad someone is," The king then goes into a coughing.

"Solis are you alright," I ask. His cough sounds sever now.

"I'm fine. It's just a cold." The king waves away the servants.

Queen Clara sighs,"You must let a doctor check. Just to make sure. Your fits are getting worse."

The king looks scandalized,"And let them jab those needles into me and take my blood? No! I'd do that no sooner than the next eclipse."

I laugh,"You and I have the dislike of needles in common."

He gestures toward me,"The boy gets it!" He smiles at me,"I am glad you took after your mother and not your father. He would have said it is a weakness."

I nod,"Although, basically everything was weakness to him."

Everyone laughs at that.

Maybe the candles aren't as bad as Father led me to believe.

"So are you going to the music festival?" Verum plays with the tips of her hair.

"The what?"

"You have never heard of the music festival?" Credo sits between me and the princess who shoots daggers at him.

Lux glares at him,"You stole my seat."

The king beams at Lux,"It is fine. Yor may sit next to me!"

She laughs and kisses the top of his head,"Thank you, Papa."

She sits next to the king who rubs her arm affectionatley.

"Um... No. No I've never heard of the music festival."

Lux gasps,"How? It is the best time of the year."

Verum laughs,"Lux loves the music festival more than any holiday or celebration."

Lux laughs,"A week full of music, dancing, and drinking? What is there not to love?"

Clara smiles at the beauty,"It is always such a joy to see you dancing in the square.

She blushes and tucks some hair behind her ear.

"The kids are going to be so excited to see us," Ver takes a sip of her wine.

"What kids?" I look at someone for an explination.

The king ruffles Lux's hair,"This angel teaches a writing class at the orphanage."

Credo smile at her,"I thought you were only considering it?"

She shrugs,"I figured why not." One of the servants walks up to her and whispers in her ear. "I'd like a sweet tea."

"A extra spoonful of sugar and three ice cubes?"

She smiles,"You know just how I like it. Thank you, Fugax."

The girl cutsies,"Thank you so much Ms-"

Lux raises a brow.

"Lux. Thank you, Lux." Fugax scurries away.

"Any way. I go to the orphanage once a week and teach a class." She smile proudly,"I have ten students, five more will be joining us next semester, and three of my older students are working on getting books published."

Credo smiles lovingly at her and I immediately want to smack that look off his face. But I can't, because she's his and not mine.

"If anyone make a bunch of orphan authors, it's an orphan," Ver takes a bite of her salad as soon as it's set in front of her.

Lux immediately looks down.

That little bitch is doing it intentionally.

"Well I think it's amazing how you're not letting your past keep you from doing great things." I look at Lux, hoping to bring back her smile.

She looks up a bit and smiles softly at me, mouthing,"Thank you."

I nod and everyone begins talking.

It takes her a bit, but Lux recovers and goes back to herself.

I used to be fine with Verum, but now I will barely be able to tolerate her.

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