Chapter 10

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"Well hello, everyone. How are you today?"

Lux seems perfectly calm considering there are at least ten swords drawn set to cut her down.

"Lux Cinere, you are hear by under arrest for murder of the queen." Verum says, with the slightest of smirks on her face.

"I've been in here. How could I have killed the queen? And also, when did the queen die?"

Verum sniffs,"Mother was found in her study, with an arrow in the back of her head. I was with my father, who was on his death bed. You, however, were nowhere to be found."

"We were having a petty race to the lake! Did you not see us run in soaking wet? We are still damp!" Ris holds up his sleeve which is still wet.

"And I was on the front steps when the little girl, uh..." he snaps his fingers, thinking,"Fugax! Fugax ran up and told me that the king had collapsed and was dying."

"How coincidential that Fugax was also found dead, in the lake."

Lux's face turns to a look of horror. "What?"

"She was drowned." Verum shakes her head,"I'm begining to think that the two of you were also in on this."

"Do you have any proof that we did it?" I glare at at the blonde.

"Well you two seem awfully devoted to proving that Lux had nothing to do with this, much like acomplises would. And also, Is this not your bow, Lux?"

Verum throws and old wooden bow with blue string wrapped around the middle at Lux.

I can tell immediately that it is, in fact, her bow.

"How do we know that you didn't kill them, and are trying to frame Lux to prevent her from being queen instead of you?"

"There are many things to say in response to that. One, I would never kill my own mother. Two, why would I kill Fugax. She is just a servant girl. Three, how would Lux be queen?"

"If the king decides to make her the queen instead of you." Credo crosses his arms.

Verum shakes her head,"Such a shame that my father is no longer with us. He could clarify what you are saying to be true." She looks at Lux,"How could you do this? We were like sisters. I was going to make you my advisor. Was that not good enough for you?"

Lux is trembling, her face red,"You little bitch. You killed Queen Clara and Fugax. You were so outraged that Papa thought that I'd be a better queen than you that you decided to discrace his dying wishes and kill his wife! You are nothing but a witch."

Verum shakes her head,"I was hoping that you would come willingly. Now you have forced my hand." She gives us a wicked grin only we can see.

"Kill them."

They immediately charge and we pull out our weapons. Credo protects our backs while Lux and I push through.

Lux seperates immeditley after murmuring to me.

"I'm going to kill that traitorous bitch."

I don't fight her on it. I just hope she will be okay as I slam the butt of my sword in to a ginger-haired soldier's head.

It is pure chaos, but me and Credo have been training together for years. We know eachother's form, what decisions the other will make. We know the others blind spots so we cover them. We soon have bodies lying on the ground all around us. We are both sweaty, bloodied, and bruised, but none of our injuries are fatal.

"You go get the carriage ready. I'm going to fine Lux.

Credo shakes his head,"No. You need to stay safe and-"

"Once I find Lux, I'll have her to protect me. But if you go after her, I'll be alone."

He narrows his eyes for a moment, then sighs.

"Be careful."

"I'll do my best."

He nods before running towards the stairs. I run in the direction Lux went.

I hear a war cry as I run past a hall. I back track and run down it. I find a room destroyed with both of the women panting in it.

"You think you are so sly," Lux spits out blood.

"You've always underestimated me, Lux." Verum swings her sword at Lux, who dodges.

But she moves a second too late.

She lets out a yelp as the blade slices her shoulder, and some of her hair falls to the ground.

"Poor little Lux. Can't even handle a one on one. How could you handle being queen?"

Lux stands up,"I never said I could. But I'd figure it out. Me figuring it out as I go would be better than the light kingdom being ruled by a power hungry psychopath!"

Lux tackles Verum and they tumble across the floor.

I look around for a way to get out as I hear footsteps behind me. I dip into the shadows and hold my breath.

"I was born into the right to become queen." Verum flips Lux over, and as blood begins to pool around her, I realize that Lux is a lot more injured than she appears at first glance.

My eyes widen with panic and I realize she could die if I don't do something.

"You took that from me." Verum raises the dagger over her head as Lux strains with what little strenghth she was left.

It's not nearly enough.

"For that, you deserve to die."

I tackle verum as soon as she begins to slam the knife down.

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