Chapter Twenty-eight - Sam

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He looked so cute when he slept, I didn't want to wake him.

He was getting harder and harder to resist, I hated the whole one night stand thing, and zombie apocalypse or not I wasn't going to let it happen.

Although I was regretting that decision now looking at him.

I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a note for him, maybe he remembers what happened last night and we can finally talk about it, but why did he call me Mike?

I realised I never even asked him if he had a boyfriend, maybe I was missing a part of the story and I had miss understood the first time I kissed him, maybe Mike was his boyfriend.

I was such an idiot around guys I liked.

I left the note on my pillow and headed to breakfast I needed to meet Ricky, at least id find out what he wanted.

The room was empty again and I sat alone at a table for breakfast, no one was serving but there was a small cart with some crossaints and ceral on so I helped myself, I didn't take too much as I was still full from last night

When I say too much, it was still one chocolate crossaint too many as I sat there regretting the amount I ate, but I didn't know where the next meal was coming from.

I sneeked a crossaint wrapped in a napkin into my pocket, you never know.

I saw Ricky enter the room right on 9am a smile on his face

"hey, how you doing?"

"good I think"

"did you enjoy your time here then?"

"well yeah I guess we did"

"good, so listen im glad I've got you alone, so whats your thoughts on being a runner"

"well if im honest if josh wants to do it then I might consider it, but this place isn't me"

"yeah I got that feeling when I first met you, its not for everyone, Josh is quite keen though right"

"well I've not spoke to him this morning"

"oh you haven't, I was just up there and he made an interesting deal with us"

"what kind of deal, what do you mean"

"well im sure he will tell you, anyway, enough about Josh, as I said and on my honour your free to leave, and you can have the supplies up to the credit on the list, I just need you to run through the list with Grace here"

A militant looking thin female fur stood over the table with a clipboard

"well I was hoping to go through the list with Josh..."

"sorry to push you but we all have stuff to do, if I leave you with grace to fill this out, I must get back to work, it was nice to meet you Sam"

He held a paw out for me to shake which I did so

"do come back if you have more supplies, it would be a pleasure to trade with you again" he winked that creepy wink again before heading off

"ok so if you fill out this form and just tick what you want we can get it ready for you at reception when you leave"

I looked through the list,

Nutella - 40 credits

Hell im getting josh some of that, and I stuck two ticks down smiling at the thought of seeing his reaction

Matches – 20 credits, yeah one of those

Tins of beans -10 credits, he hates them but they're cheap and it can be emergency rations.

"Ok that will do Grace I think."

"oh well if its that easy come with me" I followed her to a side door near the lockers, "just two minutes"

I waited patiently as she finally returned back through the door with the items I'd ordered, the Nutella was expensive, but Josh would love it.

I shoved them into my bag before locking the locker up, I walked back to the lift ready to go find josh, I couldn't believe he wasn't up, at least I stole a croissant for him

The lift took forever to arrive, and even longer to get back to the third floor, I came up to our room and put the card into the door opening the door.

And there Josh was half naked with Ricky, his paw holding him close, Ricky could have what I couldn't...

I turned and stormed off, josh called my name but I continied on as the door closed again.

I realised what the deal was now, he's agreed to be rickys whore for a ticket in, the sly looks the winks, the way he stared at him, and if Josh wanted to stay here then find by me

I kept him safe, I looked after him, i didn't expect him to pay with sex.

I was even more disgusted with Josh, I cant believe he would.

I always fall for the wrong guy, I admittied it now, I wasn't just grumpy because of the water, I was pissed of because I didn't want to be his friend anymore, I wanted him, I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to be with him

friends wasn't enough

I needed to go.

I grabbed my bag from the lockers and stomred out, I nodded dutilfully as the guard asked me if I had all my stuff and left through the gate.

I contemplated leaving to go back to the farm, but there was nothing there for me, I was alone again.

I hated being alone

Weaving through the parking lot I decided to stay on the road, I could see anything coming and I could always dart over the walls if I saw any zombies.

I don't think I can do this without Josh, everything was so much easier and more fun with him around.

I cried as I walked.

I wish I'd never met him

Furzombie - a gay furry zombie apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now