Chapter twenty-nine - Joshua

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"Sam" I screamed at the top of my lungs, the crows flew off in surprise, I didn't care if zombies heard me I needed to find Sam.

I wandered through the fields down towards the valley, if that's where he had gone he would have taken the fields surely, the roads would be littered with zombies and there would be cars and looters.

I still couldn't see him; I couldn't see anyone.

Oh Sam please let me find you, why didn't I just let you kiss me the first time.

I walked for hours down the fields shouting Sam's name, the only things I saw were two zombies which I had to deal with thanks to my shouting. Thankfully there weren't at the same time and I was able to shoot them with the arrows.

It had made me quieter and I scanned the horizon for a beautiful ginger and white fur, but he was gone.

I was too late just like with everyone else I loved in my life

I was too late

By late afternoon I managed to find a small stream, I filled up the only bottle I had in my bag before continuing through the fields, hopping over the hedges and crossing the road where I could, keeping to the fields.

The bottom of the valley was closing in, and a little thatched cottage sat in the corner of the next field, a small white fence surrounding it.

I crept up to the white fence aware that darkness would be descending soon, looking through the windows I couldn't see any signs of life, or any signs of the dead for that matter either.

I knocked on the window and ran back over the fence, bow in hand waiting for any zombies coming out the open rear door, but nothing emerged.

I returned to the door and peered my head inside, the cottage had been ransacked of anything valuable, valuable in the outbreak anyway, the TV remained along with some personal effects and some silver ornaments, these things didn't have any value anymore.

Food and drink did.

I scoured every cupboard but was only rewarded with a curry sauce, its all I had so I ate it even though it tasted bitter and was pretty rank cold.

Securing the doors the best I could, searched the remainder of the property but there was nothing of interest anywhere in sight.

I settled in for the night in one of the upstairs bedrooms, choosing to sleep under the bed, in the hopes anyone coming in would not find me there.

It was the most uncomfortable night's sleep ever, I woke up three times to the sounds of a passing horde, frozen with fear I didn't dare move, some of them banged on the doors and windows, before finally moving on somewhere else.

I couldn't tell you how many were there, it just sounded like a lot. I cried inbetween sleep wishing Sam were here with me, to protect me, he had kept me safe, I'd well and truly fucked this up and as the hours went on the more I doubted I would see him again.

I was thankful for the morning daylight, I listened closely and all I could hear was the birds singin in the fields.

I didn't have anything for breakfast other than the water I collected yesterday, I managed to brush my teeth which made me feel a little better but my stomached growled unsatisfied.

I pulled the note out my pocket Sam had left me and held It close, I searched the crevasses of my bag for anything I might have missed, any remnants of food would do,

Folded up in the side pocket was the picture of Sam and his family he had left it in my bag, it made me cry when I thought of Sam again, the picture now my only reminder of him.

I'd lost him.

I was never going to find him.

I placed the picture in my pocket

Perhaps Sam would realise it was missing and maybe he would go back to his house, I knew where that was.

I also knew how important the picture was to him, I could wait there for him.

I picked my things up and checked the coast was clear before heading out the door and back into the fields, I could see the sanctuary further up the hill in the very far distance, I could stay in the hayloft for one night as it wasn't going to be doable in one day was it?

No it would be safer to stay in the hay loft, I couldn't risk walking at night, it was too risky.

I marched back the way I had come over the field stopping again at the river to refill on water and drink as much as I could while there. I felt refreshed but I really needed some food, I wasn't sure where I would get that from.

I contemplated hunting rabbits again, but I didn't have any matches or any means of making a fire

I might not even make it to his house I contemplated.

I wonder how many survivors are left out here, how long until the supplies run out completely, maybe it was only a matter of time before we all starved to death unless we were part of a community.

Thinking back to Ricky's offer, was it too late, if it really was the only way to survive could I do it?

I shrugged the thought off, I could survive with Sam just fine, on my own perhaps not, but I had to try.

Pushing on up the hill finding energy in my reserves, today the sun was bright and it was quite hot without a could in the sky, that meant it was going to be cold tonight, maybe even a frost, I didn't look forward to sleeping out in the cold one bit.

If only I had the warm blanket like we had in the hotel

It was a long walk especially without any food, thankfully I didn't see any zombies, I don't even know if I had the energy any more to kill them, it had been 2 days and all I'd eaten was a small jar of curry sauce, my mouth felt dry, my stomach ached so much.

I finally came upon the hay loft, the same place were Sam and I had waited out the zombies, the broken ladders lay where we had left them, I managed to pick them up and stabbed them into one of the hay bales Sam had thrown down

This kept the legs secure while I managed to climb up, I then pulled the ladders up after me, hiding again behind the hay wall Sam had made.

I scattered the floor with hay and made a sealed room with haybales, using loose hay to cover my body I tired to get warm which was almost impossible.

The sun set behind the hill and the temperature dropped further, I shivered wrapping as much hay as I could around me.

I sipped the water until I had half left, I would need to save the rest before settling down to sleep, I tired my best to rest but sleep only came in small broken parts.

I would wake up shivering and rubbing my skin so it was warm again, and then the cycle would repeat itself, I could see my breath in the air and the noise of the world around me.

In the distance I heard footsteps, most likely from a zombie investigating the hayloft, it hung around for at least 5 minutes before disappearing, I didn't hear it growl though but whatever it was it was gone.

I put the picture of Sam up onto the hay bale and stared at it in the dark "please be there Sam, please be there, I can't do this on my own"

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