Chapter Two: Fireworks

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A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of the sequel! I barely have any reads on it, but I hope that will change soon

Beatrix took the phone away from her ear, and hung up. For a moment we just looked at each other. I was surprised to see the black colour was almost gone from her hair, leaving it a few shades darker then her natural platinum blonde.

"Your hair's blonde again." I said, breaking the silence.

"I'm using a dye-removing shampoo," she responded. "You should come in."

I walked around the house and entered it. She was sitting on the table when I came in. "So you found me," she said.

"Obviously," I replied.

She smirked. "I'm impressed. I assumed it would have taken you longer."

I shrugged. "I wasn't sure you were here, but it seemed best to check."

She raised one dark eyebrow coyly, playing with the thing around her neck that looked more like a bicycle chain than an actual necklace. That was my necklace, I realized. Or it had been. Damn her, it looked better on her. "So, why are you here? D'you miss me?"

"I want the computer stick," I said cooly, refusing to be fazed by her charming Britishness.

"I don't have it," Beatrix replied innocently.

"I didn't come all this way for you to lie to me."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. I have it. But you can't have it right now."

"Why not?"

She gestured behind her, and I noticed a laptop on the floor, with a the very thing I was looking for plugged into it. "Because it's my USB, and I'm using it right now," she said, like we were little kids fighting over a toy.

"Where did you get the laptop?" I asked, though I was guessing she had stolen it.

"I didn't steal it," she told me, like she could read my mind. "I bought it from some guy in the city before I came out here. It had like, twenty viruses though, probably why it was so cheap."

"What are you doing with it?" I asked, walking over to it.

She flipped down on the floor beside the laptop. "I'm making copies of everything on here, it's taking forever because of said viruses."

"What have you gotten so far?" I asked.

She leaned against the wall. "The location of some of the hospitals Thomas went to. And the names of all the kids like us. Thank God he didn't go international, that would be so difficult for me."

It took me a few seconds to process everything she had said."Wait, so they're in this area? Like, close to us? And what are you planning?"

"Yeah, they are. There's a few in the city and a few outside. My plan is to track them down."

That sent chills through me. I suddenly felt as if I was part of something much bigger then I had imagined. I had thought for months that it was possible there were others like me. It seemed impossible that I was the only one. But now that it has been confirmed, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I partly wanted to meet them, and I was partly scared to.

"You know what else I found out?" she asked, continuing before I could respond. "Most of the kids weren't given the serum like we were. They were genetically enhanced before they were born. Some of them had parents who were in on it, and some of their parents didn't even know, depending on where they were in the development of it. There are others that have more specific powers because of that, while ours is more crazy, unstable energy. You got more than me, by the way. A ton more."

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