Chapter Twenty Three: Weapon

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A/N: I kinda wanted to make this book twenty three chapters just like the first one, but as you can see, that's not gonna happen. Summary for this chapter is, Thomas sucks and no one likes him.

"Did you know Thomas had a sister?" I asked Beatrix, as the woman opened the door in the back of the car and got in.

She shook her head. "He never mentioned her."

"Of course he didn't," the woman said. "He was never family oriented. The only thing her ever did for me was getting us matching bracelets when I was fourteen and he was eighteen. When he left."

I detected a sense of bitterness in her voice as she mentioned him. It seemed there was no love lost there.

We watched her nervously, sizing her up. "Oh God, what has he done to you?" she asked. "For you to run from me when you thought I had anything to do with him?"

We didn't tell her everything. Not every single detail. But by the time the sun was shining bright in the middle of the sky, we had filled her in on the orphanage, (minus the crimes we'd committed) the powers we had, (minus the others who had them) the kidnapping and escape, (minus Cashlin's death) the kidnapping and breakout of Olivia, (minus everyone who was there other then Beatrix, me, and Olivia of course).

When we were done, she was looking at us with horror. "That was so much worse then I could ever imagine," she whispered. "You mean to tell me my brother experimented on, and kidnapped children?"

"How could you not know?" Beatrix demanded. "I mean, he's your brother, there had to be signs, you had to have some suspicions!"

"We were never close," she admitted. "Even as kids. He was always away in his room, doing mysterious sciency things. He was older than me, and said that I wouldn't understand when I asked about it. Most of the memories I have of him, are him talking about how he was going to fix the world. Make something that would change everything, everyone. No one really took him seriously, he was just a kid."

"Well, he certainly changed the world," I said.

"Is it just you two?" she asked. "That you know of?"

I wondered how much we should tell her. Could we really trust her? What if she ran to Thomas and sold us out?

"There was... someone else. She wasn't given them as a baby, like we were," I said carefully.

"Where is she now?"

"She's dead," I said quietly. "The power was too much all at once, and it literally tore her apart."

"He's never going to let us go," Beatrix said. "It will either end with him killing us, or me- us killing him."

"I'm going to help make sure he never touches you again," she said resolutely. "I'm Alexis, by the way."

"I'm Damira," I told her. "Yeah, I- I know who you are," she said blankly. I had forgotten.

"How about you guys get out, and I'll drive this car back to its owner? I'll bring back mine, then we can talk more."

"You're not gonna arrest us for stealing it?" Beatrix asked.

"I'll let that slide," she said, and drove away.

"Do you trust her?" I asked Beatrix, as we sat down on a bench.

"No," she replied. "But I don't really trust anyone."

"Except for me," I said.

She smiled. "Yeah. Except for you."

We huddled up against each other, and I lay my head on her shoulder. "We should get married," I said.

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