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"So somebody says you and Riley fucked." "Uhm what? I don't fuck Riley." "I know! But somebody started a rumor that you do, kinda interesting!" "Eh, I don't really like that."

She was about to talk again but somebody body slammed me, knocking the breath outta me. "W-what the fuck!?!?" The guy punched me and said, "Who the hell said you could fuck my son!?!?"

"Look man I-" "Shut up, I'm talking not you. So you fuck my son, your just as much of a fuckboy as your dad!" He hit me a few more times till Riley got him off. "Dad I don't fuck him."

"But Rachel said-" "Rachel just likes lying and starting rumors, he's my tutor!" "Oh." I got back up and his dad said, "My apologies Austin." "It's fine." Ven grabbed my face, "Oh your so hurt." "Is she your girlfriend?"

"What? No, I'm a lesbian." He looked amused, "Oh." She let go and I wiped my nose. "Well you should come to our house, I have somebody who can help you." Riley looked at his dad, "He has school dad. Plus you were just beating him, that's awkward as fuck."

"Nonsense, it was a misunderstanding." "Sure." He showed me to his car and drove me to his house, "Again I'm sorry, Rachel usually doesn't lie to me. Do you know her?" Rachel, she's always hated me for no reason.

"Yeah, she isn't very found of me." "Why's that?" "I dunno, I never did anything to wrong her." "Odd. Well if you tutor Riley then why weren't you at my house yesterday?" "Oh we went to my house." "Why?" "I dunno, it's closer to the school."

"Oh." We drove in silence till we got to a big mansion, "This is your house?" "Indeed, you like it?" "Yeah." We went into the gate and lots of people guarded it. When we went inside and there were also people in there.

They all stared at me and Riley's father said, "Don't worry, their just curious." "Oh." "Martha! Come here darling!" A short lady with black hair and green eyes ran over to us. "Yes honey?"

"This is Austin, he tutors Riley. I was told some incorrect information about him so I hit him a few times, can you fix him up?" "Of course. Come with me Austin." "Yes ma'am." I walked with her into a kitchen and she grabbed medical stuff.

"So you teach my son?" "Yes ma'am, he asked me to." "Oh, is he failing his classes?" She frowned, "Only one, but he needs to pass it so he can play football." "Thanks you for helping him."

She put peroxide on some cut and said, "Lift up your shirt please." "Okay." I lifted up my shirt and she said, "Damn, you've got quite the bruises." "I know." "My husband did all this?"

"No, I fight sometimes." "Oh." "Yeah." She finished and told me to go back the way I came. When I got to her husband some guy stopped me. "Who are you?" "Uhm my name is Austin." "How'd you get in Austin."

"I walked in with Riley's dad." "Sir do you know this boy?" "Yes, he tutors my son, take him to school." "Yes sir." The guy grabbed my arm and took me to a black car. "So your a tutor?" "Yeah, and your a what?"

"All you need to know is I work for Jordan." "Okay?" He dropped me off and I a bit late to first period. By lunchtime again Riley sat with me. "I'm sorry for the way my dad acted." "It's fine."

"Oh and uhm after you tutor me today do you want to stay for dinner?" "Sure, I'll be an hour late though, I've got to do stuff for my brother." "That's fine." We talked for awhile till Rachel sat infront of him. "What do you want Rachel."

"I just wanted to say sorry Riley." "It's alright." "Oh good, cause I wasn't thinking and I'll never do it again!" "It's whatever." "Well I just wanted to say that so goodbye." "Bye." She got up and walked away and I chuckled.

"What?" "Dude your being played, you think she meant that? She's done that before to other people." "I uhm knew that." "Wait, you actually did believe her! Look man just don't trust her." "Got it." We went back to talking then it was 4th period.

I went into social studies and we watched a movie. It was about some kid whose parents raised him to be racist but a couple adopted him and change his point of view. It was kinda boring though. "So you and Riley aren't a thing?"

"Nope, I just tutor him." "Oh, well is he cool?" "I guess." Yana is cool as hell, bit I'm to tired to listen.

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