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Author's Note: This is my new story along with Dreams Do Come True :) This is not a 1D fanfic but if you could read it that would be amazing! Pictures of Regan and Duncan is in the external link :)
Copyright by britishjonesy. All ideas (unless stated otherwise) and characters are created by britishjonesy. Please do not copy my story and use it for yourself without giving me credit.

I would like to add that some of the events in this story have happened to me and my guy best friend. I will let you know which ones :)


My name is Regan, I have blue-green eyes, jet black hair and I'm in love with my best friend. You probably wondering who my best friend is; his name is Duncan. He has bright blue eyes and dark brown hair.

I have been friends with Duncan for nine years now. We're both freshman in university now; he goes to University of Cambridge and I go to University of Manchester. We keep in contact with each other via Skype, Twitter, Facebook and texting. Speaking for the devil, *Duncan wants to video chat with you* I quickly run to my mirror, check my hair and makeup then I accept the video chat.

Where is he?

"Hey!" I say with a big smile as soon as Duncan's face appears on my computer.

"Hey, Reg!" He replies using his nickname for me. He looked startled.

"Did I scare you? How's Cambridge?" I ask him.

"No, you're fine; just zoned out. It's good; it's not the same without you though." He replies with his usual reply and his cute puppy face

I bit my lip shyly, looking down away from the screen. So, he couldn't see it.

"You biting your lip again, aren't you?" He asks smirking.

"You know me so well" I ask back, sticking my tongue out at him.

He sticks his tongue back at me then it turns into a funny face competition like old times.

*Duncan's POV*

I'm sitting in my dorm, bored from these calculus problems already. I decide to Skype with Regan, I scroll through my contacts which isn't that much. My contacts are just my sister Jess who lives in New York, my twin brother Lee, my parents though I don't Skype that often because they're still learning to get out of the Stone Ages and come into the 21st century and last but not least, is Regan who I Skype every day.

She's beautiful and I tell her that every day; but she doesn't believe me. I miss her terribly while I'm at university. She doesn't know how much she means to me. She doesn't feel the same way as I do with her. I find her name and click "video call"; while it's connecting I check my hair. I look in the mirror and it looks like I got dragged through a bush backwards. "Did I look like this all day?!" I thought to myself.

"Hey!" Her beautiful face with that dazzling smile of hers appears on my screen.

She startled me. I had forgotten that I had video called her.

"Hey, Reg!" I reply using my nickname for her.

"Did I scare you? How's Cambridge?" She asks like she does every day.

"No, you're fine; just zoned out. It's good; it's not the same without you though." I say pulling a puppy face that I know she can't resist.

She bits her lip shyly and tries to look away from the screen so I won't see.

"You biting your lip again, aren't you?" I ask with a little smirk.

"You know me so well" She replies along with her sticking her tongue out at me.

In return, I still my tongue out at her and that soon turns into a funny face competition just like old times.

We talked for hours, it was now 2am; we started talking at 7pm. That's how long our talks normally are; normal people talk about one topic then don't know what to talk about after so they just give up and stop talking to each other. Not Reg and I, we could talk about one topic and be on a completely different one halfway through the conversation; that's why we talk for hours we change topic every 5 minutes it feels like.

You're probably wondering how we met well I'll tell you.

Once upon a time in a kingdom far away...just kidding. This story begins on London Eye.

I was 9 years old and I had just moved to London from Liverpool. My parents, my sister Jess, my twin brother Lee and I were wondering around London being the tourists that we are. We had been Hamleys which is this HUGE toy store that is 5 stories high, next we went to Madame Tussauds. We drove past the Buckingham palace, the house of Parliament and the Tower of London. Our last stop for the day was the London Eye, it's like a big Ferris wheel that looks over the river Thames and gives you views from each angle of London.

We got the egg shaped pod with another family; I saw a girl about my age. I knew from when I saw her, she was going to be my best friend and I needed to know her name. I started to walk up to her, I suddenly got nervous which I guess is normal since I've never talked to girls before. Okay Duncan you can do this, just walk up to her and introduce yourself. I walked up to her; I opened my mouth to speak and nothing, NOTHING! Oh my god! She must think I'm an idiot! This was an epic fail! Definitely an epic fail.

"Yes?" she said sweetly realizing that I was going to say something.

"Um...hi" I said shyly

*insert face palm* I am such an idiot!

"Hi, I'm Regan" she replies sweetly with a smile

"Hi Regan, I'm Duncan" I said with more confident in my voice.

"Do you live here?" She asked in curiosity in her voice.

"Technically, now I do" I said with a smile "I just moved here from Liverpool actually."

"Oh, that's amazing! I've lived here my whole life and I love it here"

I love London even more now that I have met you. Thank you, God!

"What did you say?"

Crap! Crap! Crap! She heard me. Thanks a lot God...not!

"Um....It's just nice to make a new friend and I'm glad it's you" The last part of that, I looked down scared of what she would think.

"I don't have many friends, actually I don't have any friends at all; just my books." She said shyly.

"I'll be your friend along with your books." I told her as I reached to grab her hand.

We just stood there, holding hands while looking out at the London landscape. This was the perfect moment.

My new friend, me and London.

So that's how me and Regan met and become best friends.


Thanks for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it :) I'm working on Chapter 6 of Dreams Do Come True and Chapter 1 of this :) Comment, vote and fan! Thanks lovelies :)

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