Chapter 1 | THE DOORS

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Editores note: Hello! Thank you for reading Kenopsia. Please keep in mind that the chapters, in my opinion, are quite long. So sit back and enjoy the story. Bye! <3

It is raining outside. You can hear droplets lightly hitting the window, drop by drop. It is the middle of the night. Peaceful, nothing to be heard in the background.

A quiet night, nothing to suspect. Right?


"Man, am I glad these classes are over" Matt said, while closing his laptop.

"Class is almost over for you? I feel like this hell is going to be eternal, dude." Responded Emet, whining.

Matt shrugs "That's fair".

The room suddenly starts to rumble under their feet. Shelf's, books, everything shaking.

"Ahhhh, did you feel that or was that just me?" Emet said, startled holding on to the desk.

"Probably just another earthquake" Matt replied, scrunching his eyebrows together.

They both heard three loud knocks on the door. Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Did- did someone just knock on our door?" anxious, as Emet said. "Who is out there?" Matt yelled at the door.

"Y-yeah, who's out there?!" Emet added. Matt leaned closer to the door, reaching his hand out slowly; closer to the door knob. Emet quickly reacted and went in front of Matt, covering the door, while leaning to make sure it's locked.

He yelled at Matt stating "NO DON'T. Do NOT open this door. We don't know who's even out there!"

There's bangs on the door now. Bang. Bang. Bang.

Matt frustrated, shoves him out of the way and unlocks the door. He slowly opens the door.

Both of them peak through the door, Emet paralyzed in fear. "U-ummm... are ya seein' what I'm seein'..?"

Both the guys look at each other, and back outside the door.

The outside is no longer the outside. All they can see; are hallways, and doors. The carpets and walls are stained a very odd color. All you can hear is a faint sound of bright yellow lights buzzing..


Axton quietly sighs as he walks out of the pharmacy, whilst holding a full bottle of Advil's for his dad. For him to of course, take it all in with one beer, as usual.

His phone starts to ring. "Oh please no..." said Axton. Terrified, he pulls out his phone slowly; and answers. "H-hello..?" he says.

"HEY, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU." his father said yelling through the phone.

"Sorry dad. I-I got mugged again.." he said with his eyes watering.

"Good." said his dad, in a sharp, rude attitude. "Yeah, I guess.." Axton mumbled. "Now... GET HOME NOW, ILL SO BEAT YOU FOR THIS" his dad said yelling, immediately hanging up the phone right after.

Axton sighs, dropping his arm and head down, knowing what's coming next. He drags his feet, going all the way back home.

He reaches the apartments.

He goes into the elevator and clicks the floor four button lightly.

"This ones really going to hurt" he said under his breath.

The two elevator doors slide open, revealing only rooms, and doors. The carpets and walls are all stained a very odd color. All you can hear is a faint sound of bright yellow lights buzzing.

"What the hell?! W-what is this place?" he said trembling with fear, not knowing how to act. He puts his back on the elevator walls, and slowly, but surely, slides to the ground and starts to sob quietly.


"God..." said Margret slowly getting up.

"Wait- where even am I-?" she said, confused. Margret looks down at her hand and spots a bottle. She's very confused, and she places the bottle while looking around.

She woke up in an alleyway. She hears a train overhead. "Hm, a train. Maybe I can find my way out of this place." she says as she starts to walk down the alleyway.

She trips, and knocks into the wall.

Her arm oddly phases through the wall, like it's a glitch in a video game, but... in real life. The glitch gets tight around her arm, and it starts to hurt her. "FUCK, what the hell is this?!"

She tries to pull away from the wall, in an attempt of escaping. Instead, her arm goes more into the wall, causing more excruciating pain.

She puts her foot against the wall, trying to tug herself out of it.

Her leg, as well, goes fully into the wall. "Wha- WHAT IS THIS... HELP! ... HELP!" Margret yells as loud as she can to get out.

A police officer approaches her. "WHAT IS THIS?!" he yells at Margret, confused on what he is seeing. "I DON'T KNOW, JUST GET ME OUT OF HERE" Margret yells.

"WHAT IS THI-" the police officer passes out and falls to the ground. As well as his gun falling into the ground, shooting one of Margrets legs free.

"AH SHIT, c'mon, GET... OUT."

She fully gets sucked into the wall. "AHHHH!!" she yells.

She lands in a place with rooms and hallways. The carpets and walls are all stained a very odd color. All you can hear is the very faint sound of the bright yellow lights buzzing..


Thank you for reading the first chapter. More is coming soon!

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