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six: in which she skates on very thin ice

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"We're dancing on very thin ice, in the middle of the dark" –Jeremy Thurber, Playing in the Dark


"You wanna talk about what you were doing at the clubhouse?" asked Jake, handing me a cup of coffee.

My hands came around the cup, seeking its heat. "Not really."

"OK." He sat beside me on the couch, throwing a casual arm behind me. "You wanna talk about why you were crying like that?"

"Not really."

I could feel his eyes on me but chose to ignore him, drinking my coffee in silence. I expected him to say something else or – better yet – leave. He did neither.

"I have work tomorrow," I grumbled, leaning forward to put my empty cup on the coffee table. "I need to sleep."

"Same here," said Jake.

I looked at him, curious for the first time. "Just what is it that you do, anyway?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"I wouldn't be asking if I didn't, now would I?"

"Touché," he said with a warm smile. He flicked the haphazard ponytail I'd done as high as I could on my head. "I do a couple things here and there. Used to be a tattoo artist back in the day, so if someone sees and likes my work, I get called in at Ghost's parlor. I build bikes every once in a while. Built the one I ride." Pride was evident in his voice. He sounded like a little boy talking about his toys.

"Sounds like fun. Doesn't explain how you can possibly have enough to donate to the Maya Fenton Charity Case," I said under my breath.

"Not to brag, sweetheart, but people pay big money for custom bikes," Jake said with a wry smile. "It also pays to have a smartass brother who can make good investments on your behalf when you're doing jail time."

Being reminded of his time in jail brought me back down to earth. I peeled myself off the couch and stood. Jake followed suit.

"I say something wrong?"

"Yes. No." I gave him a half-hearted shrug.

His brow furrowed. "Did you go see Ghost?"

I looked him in the eye. "Yes. I...I have to apologize."

"For what?"

"I don't know. For hating you all this time? For blaming you?" I exhaled loudly, suddenly finding the carpet extremely interesting. "Ghost told me...everything."

Jake cursed loudly. "Maya, look at me."

For some reason, I couldn't deny him.

"Don't shift the blame to Ghost now," he said. "If I'd known those guys had followed Ella to my place... If I'd been vigilant, she –"

I put my hand over his mouth, silencing him. "Stop it. Don't do that with me."

He released a harsh breath that warmed my skin. I let my hand fall to my side, suddenly uncomfortable. He was only a hair's breadth away from me, so close I could almost pretend I heard his heart beat.

A key turning in the keyhole of my front door made me back away from him, just in time. Seb strode into my living room and guilt made my skin heat up.

"Sebastian? What are you doing here?" I said in a rushed breath. This was ridiculous. I'd done nothing wrong. I had nothing to feel guilty about.

"What's going on here?" Seb's voice was calm, nonchalant as he approached us.

"Computer Boy," Jake grunted by way of greeting as he faced my boyfriend off.

Jake the Panty-Ripper (Book 1, the Phantoms MC Series)Where stories live. Discover now