Mikasa pov:
I was born on February 10th at Shiganshina hospital.It was a stormy night the thunder blocking my loud cries.I was born at 10:31pm and my mother took 4 hours in labor I looked around the room my grey eyes taking in all the new surroundings.I weighed 7 pounds and was 46.8 cm talls.I was pale and had little patches of black hair on my head.Time skip:I was a month old when my parents died.Some burglars came in to steal my parents jewelry and money since they were rich.My dad was a hunter so he sold meat and fur and my mom was a doctor.When the burglars came in I was taking a nap in my nursery in my crib so they didn't see me so I survived.
When the police came to check on our house they found my dad dead on the floor near the safe where my dad keeps his guns.My dad wasn't fast enough to get his guns and shoot them first.Then the police went upstairs and found my mom with a bullet hole bleeding alot.My mom was near my nursery door and when she saw the police she said "Tell....M...Mikasa...I...love...h....er"So the police went in the nursery and they woke me up so I started to cry.Then a police officer named Hange picked me up and tried to comfort me.Hange said'Shhhh its ok Mikasa I'm here I got you".
Hange walked around the nursery with me in her arms she saw a sign that showed my birth information and they saw it said Mikasa Ackerman.Hange was shocked at my last name they said "Ackerman huh you must be related to shortie;now that I look at you I can see the resembles".''You and shortie both have the same eyes,hair and skin color hopeful if you to are related your not short like him haha".After I calmed down I feel asleep in their arms they were warm and I heard her slow heart beats.Hange said"Awwww so cute,luckily you don't understand what is happening right now".
Then the other officers told hange that they could go and take me to the station so Hange walked outside with me asleep in their arms and drove to the station.When we arrived Hange called a doctor to check up on me and made sure I was ok then they looked up my information and saw that my last name was Ackerman and we were related.Hange said"I knew that you and levi looked related after I saw your last name.A officer named Petra came and told hange "What should we do with her Levi and someone named Kenny are her only relatives but Kenny can't due to his crimes.Hange said"Time to pay a visit to Levi and Erwin I guess''.

Sunshine and storms
RandomMikasas parents are killed so Levi and Erwin take care of her and raise her The picture is not mines I do not own