Phase 3

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[ * Within the depths of the Epic Sayori's SOUL, something's resonating... ]

[ Sayori brings Yuri back to life. ]

[ * The stormclouds are coming... ]

[ * SAYORI 9999 ATK 9999 DEF ]

[ * She likes to say "Eh heh heh!" ]

Yuri: Hm? No I don't-



[ * Sayori raises your HP and gets rid of the KR. ]

Yuri: How is that fair?

Sayori: Let's just say...

I've grown a cinnabone.

[ Sayori attacks. ]

Yuri: Whoops, my turn.

[ Yuri attacks. ]

Sayori: Yeh, back to ME!

Yuri: Come on love, just a minute without interruptions?

I need to talk to MC about what they did.

Because if I don't... they might...


[ Yuri falls asleep. ]

Sayori: REALLY?!?!

You always do this...

Alas, the pathetic solution...



[ Sayori purposely drops the chocolate. ]

[ Yuri teleports the chocolate into her mouth. ]

Sayori: I was hoping my plan would fail.

Yuri: Hehe, guess you could say it was the greatest plan-

Sayori: Yuri, put your arm down.

Yuri: Would it be knife if I didn't?

Sayori: YURI!!

Yuri: I'm just kidding Sayo.

[ * They aren't going to be deleted anytime soon. ]

[ * You say the word "hang" out loud. ]

[ * Sayori's expression freezes out of absolute fear and disgust. ]

[ * Yuri is just being shy and awkward, like usual. ]

Sayori: Please do not scare me like that.

You look like you wanted to hear a hanging pun, or tried making one yourself.

I would prefer to avoid everything of that subject.

Try asking Yuri, she knows why I hate those kinds of puns.

We'll discuss the rest later.

Yuri: Look, if you were hoping to be in a fight with me...


Then today is your lucky day.

I honestly just hope that you realize that you deserve all of this.

[ Yuri attacks. ]

Sayori: EH HE HE HE HE HE!



Yuri: Uh, heh.


Yuri: Well technically, it was my idea...


[ They seem to be playing Mario VS. Luigi. ]

Sayori: Wait... this is barely even a fight.

You just wanted to play Mario VS. Luigi.

[ Sayori is losing. ]

Sayori: I consider this to be extremely unfair.

Stop cheating this instant!

Yuri: Chill your cinnabone, it's only a game.

Sayori: I really expected you to take this seriously.

Yuri: Hehe, I am totally serious now.

[ The game ends. ]

Sayori: Game over, Yuri.

Yuri: Alright...

Sayori: We need to stop Monika, right?

Yuri: We do?

Well, as long as it's your own decision.

Sayori: Oh please! Where is your enthusiasm?

Natsuki would've killed MC by now.

Speaking of, let me give this another shot.

[ Sayori brings Natsuki back to life. ]

Natsuki: It's been a while, dummy!

Let's see what pathetic attempts you got this time!

Actually, it would probably be better to let you have your turn first.

[ * It's getting more sweet and sour here... ]

[ MC slashes Natsuki. ]

[ 1 ]

Natsuki: How weak.


[ Natsuki attacks. ]

[ Yuri attacks. ]

Yuri: Is this what you want?

MC, I have the feeling that you aren't planning on giving up.

It's a shame, really... Yuri would have loved to see a good ending.

What? We both know I'm not as alive as I have been.

Who knows what I would have done if I was really here?

I'm sorry...

Sayori: They aren't real...

I couldn't stand the thought of killing you.

I've been doing this for everyone's sake.

But is this what everybody would have really wanted...?

I'm having second thoughts...

[* Yuri and Natsuki fade away. ]

Sayori: I...

A big part of me was stupid enough to still believe...

This is the moment Yuri would have killed you.

But I don't think she wants me to be like her...

Because the truth is, I'm not...

Even after all you have done, I cannot bring myself to kill you...

Nobody deserves to die like this, not even you...

Please forgive me...

But I can't look past our lost friendship...

This was never meant to happen...

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