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After laying her on her bed. He sat down next to her. His arms feeling empty without her in them. He didn't know when his feelings changed.

Looking down at her swollen eyes and red nose, any other female he would have just walked away. It didn't matter to him what he had to do. At that moment he just wanted to hold her, make her feel safe. Find a way to help her get rid of the nightmares.

Haven quickly scooted back as the mattress dipped next to her. Not wanting to roll into him. She might embarrass herself, and the lamp was on. It was so comforting to have him with her. The thing was she wanted more than just a comforting touch from him.

Turning he looked down at her with a small smile. Pulling up the blanket, and brush the hair away from her face, draping it across the pillow, so would be out of her way. His hand almost shook, his control was slipping.

She was so beautiful. Had she always been this beautiful or had she grown into it? The problem was, is it love or something else?

He saved her life by killing a man. He had taken care of her for four years. Now he didn't know if he was confusing feeling.

She still wasn't used to him like this. Their relationship had changed so much over the last few months. He was her best friend, then one night he kissed her. He haven't rushed her by any means, somethings she felt he was moving to slowly.

"Tomorrow, Haven, we have to talk. We can't keep going on like this." Bending over her he cupped a hand around her face.

His whole body went ridged when she kissed his palm. Rubbing her face against his hand, her eyes closing. She almost moaned with the pleasure. If he wanted to "talk". It couldn't be good. So why not enjoy the time she had him. Just like she thought, their friendship was total messed up. There was no going back to what they had. So many things she could say went through her mind. She didn't know what to say, so she kept her mouth shut.

He left the room without another word, but a thoughtful look. Watching him leave the room. He closed the door leaving her in the silent dark room. It was so sad that she started to miss him. Which was just stupid. How was she going to learn to live without him being with her constantly? He couldn't go one room away without her missing him. She laughed at her thoughts, she went to the bathroom. She wondered if she'll look as bad as she felt.

When she caught her reflection in the long mirror over the vanity she was taken aback by how she looked. She looked worse than she felt.

"No wonder Cole had fled out the room." She said to herself. Brown, long hair was everywhere like a fuzzy halo around her head. Swollen eyes, red nose and face, she looks a mess. Grabbing her brush she went to work on it. It wasn't fun keeping it tame, but she loved having long hair.

When that chore was finished she grabbed a cloth and turned the water on. She hoped that the cool water would erase the evidence of her latest meltdown. Filling her hands with the rushing water she leaned in. At first splash she shivered, the water was cold on her warm face. It was refreshing though. Wiping her face, a little rougher than she should've, she looked back up.

She barely recognize the woman that was standing in front of her. She looked a lot different than the teenager that she remembered yourself as. Time slipped away from her so fast that she didn't even seem to notice herself changing.

Her mind wandered back to Cole. Wanting to talk, her problems were probably what had prompted that. Her nightmares just weren't going away. She didn't have them as frequently, but they still woke the house up a couple times a of months.

Maybe she should go to the police again? Maybe they could draw the guy out into the open and the police could catch him. She had a restraining order against him. Until he was caught doing something really bad though it was nothing they could do to him.

It was time that she faced her greatest fears and moved on to a new stage in her life. Haven knew that they couldn't go on like this forever. She knew sooner or later somebody was going to have to break out of the stalemate her life had become.

"Haven girl, you can't rely on Cole to pick up the pieces of your life every time falls apart. One of these days you're going to have to learn to stand on your own." She told herself. "You wanted him, now you might have a change, please don't blow it." She pleaded with her inner self, and God for help. She had one chance her.

Tomorrow seemed like as good a day as any. She will deal with whatever he had to say and then she would tell him that she agreed it was time that she grew up and faced her fears.

Sighing, knowing there was nothing more she can do about her appearance tonight she just had to sleep off the rest of the horrible day.

Climbing back into the bed she buried her head in the pillow that smells like Cole. She knew that it was pathetic but she didn't care. She loved his smell, she couldn't explain it. It helped her as she tried to go back to sleep. Would she have another nightmare or could she finally sleep peacefully? The only thing that comforter was knowing that call would be back soon. There's no telling what was keeping him, she understood that he was waiting until she had fallen back to sleep. She could give him that at least. She rolled over hugging a pillow. She could pretend it was him, that would help.

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