It's always the same

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It's the last week of school and Jughead never thought he would be here. Many things have always run through his head, death, more death and to top it all off death. Living on the Southside isn't easy, life as a serpent is even harder. But on top of all of that, being the king of a biker gang brings a certain type of responsibility and demands and graduating has never been at the top of his list. But things change.The Serpent King is graduating high school, something that hasn't been done in several generations.

Jughead has one person and one person to thank and that is his girlfriend Betty. She's the reason all the serpents are graduating. She never once believed they couldn't graduate. She never let them forget that either. Betty was their number one supporter. She would work with Pea and Fangs making sure they knew the information they needed to know. Helped them with homework and practiced with them when they joined choir. She ran the Blue and Gold while helping Rob with his writing assignments she gave him. She was a cheerleader with her best friends Toni and Cheryl. She gave Archie a run for his money in debate. All the while making time for Jughead.

It's easy when they all  live together now. One of the best decisions they had ever made. Jughead thought it would be weird at first. Which it was. But it's okay. He soon realized that being close to who he calls family is the best thing ever. Not only for him but for Betty also, she is thriving and watching her grow and get better on a daily basis was the highlight of his day.

Jughead is the happiest he's ever been. But things can change in an instant.


"Hey, who's turn is it to buy food?" Jughead heard Cheryl ask as he entered the kitchen of Thistleshouse. The place they had moved into many months ago when Cheryl inherited it.

"Archie!" both Toni and Betty said at the same time.

"Dude. We need to figure out something else with the food situation. I mean come on, have you seen Jug eat." Archie said as he was looking into the bare refrigerator. "There is nothing here," he adds.

"I'm cooking food," Betty yells. Archie looks at her and closes the door and sits down.

Jughead laughed as he walked over to Betty and kissed her. "I'm a growing boy," he said as he rubbed his belly. Archie just stares at him and then shakes his head. Which makes Jughead laugh even more.

"We can discuss it later, Archie," Betty said.  He seemed pleased with the answer.

Archie looked over at Jughead. "You're still my boy" he said laughing "even though you ate the last doughnut" he adds.

Jughead continued to laugh, he finds this funny. "What?  I'm king. I get the last of everything," he said as he smirked. Toni smacks his head "What?" he said as he rubbed the spot where she smacked him.

"I just felt like it," she shrugs. "Plus, be nice" she adds as she sits back down.

Jughead glares at her and then turns his attention back to Betty as she finishes breakfast.

"It smells amazing. But what is it?" He asked.

"It's huevos rancheros" Betty said.

"Umm" he said as he tried to figure out what she was saying,

"Just eat it. It's food, you will like it" she said arching a brow. He does the famous Jughead Jones glare but eats the food nonetheless. It's actually pretty good, he thought to himself.

"I guessed you liked it considering you ate it in less than a minute" Betty said as she started laughing.

"What?" he said as he finished eating and laughed with her.

Southside: Chapter 3 : Serpent LIfeWhere stories live. Discover now