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"You know, your handwriting is really pretty for a boy's," Y/N inquired, peeking over his shoulder and surveying his loopy letters

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"You know, your handwriting is really pretty for a boy's," Y/N inquired, peeking over his shoulder and surveying his loopy letters. Izuku wrenched his sheet of paper away and his face blushed a beet red, "You can't see that."

"Well, why not?" 

There was no response from the boy as he continued to write, but this time his face was turned to her. His eyes were focused on his writing and the tip of his tongue was peeking out from his plump lips. His pen scratched noisily against the paper as his hand quickly wrote down words that Y/N could not see. 

The girl gazed at the glass doors, wistfully watching Kirishima and Denki spar gently in the backyard of the UA dorms along with a purple-haired friend of theirs that Y/N has seen around a couple of times. She's pretty sure that he and Denki are hooking up. 

She and Izuku were the only ones in the common rooms at the moment, which made it a perfect time to talk about stuff that can't be disclosed to others, but the conversation is fairly hard when only one person is putting in the effort. Izuku just continued scribbling, no matter what she said. 

"Izuku," she sang, prodding his socked feet, "Talk to me?"

"Yes, yes, sorry. It's just that this is really important."

Y/N cocked her head, but she didn't try to peek anymore, "How so? Is that a love letter? To whom? Uraraka?"

Izuku visibly flinched, before shooting her a glare. Setting his pen on the ground, he neatly folded the note into quarters, and tucked it into the pocket of his sweater, "Actually, I think I'm quite done."

"What were you writing?" she tried again.

The green-haired boy shook his head, "Hopefully, you'll find out soon."

She seemed satisfied with that answer before she rested her head on Izuku's firm shoulder, "Mkay."

Almost from instinct, the boy rested his head on top of hers. Y/N was pleasantly surprised by the thick curtain of bangs that hung over her eyes now. Izuku's hair was way longer than it looks, and the volume was incomparable. 

Every time she's in contact with Izuku, her mind always goes blank. Like there's something that should be said, but none of them have the courage to. After spending a while with Izuku, and after carefully observing her classmates when she was around Izuku, it was obviously that Izuku knew something that she didn't.

It was obvious that everyone knew something she didn't know. 

The boy was also quite stubborn, and he refuses to listen to any of the bribes and begs Y/N had offered him, with his answer being a curt "no" or just silence. 

UA was a mysterious place, and the uncooperative attitudes of her friends made it even more mysterious. 

Although Izuku,seems dismissive, this could not be further from the truth. He constantly sought her out, just to bathe in her tired aura before ultimately falling asleep with his head resting in her lap. The hero course was very taxing. 

He always apologized for dozing off. But Y/N didn't mind. She found out that his head was a fantastic book stand. 

Now, her mission wasn't "Find what the hell Class 1-A has been hiding."

But rather, "What was Izuku writing in his secret letter?"

But rather, "What was Izuku writing in his secret letter?"

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