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"Y/N, love, you're going to be late!"

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"Y/N, love, you're going to be late!"

A petite blond with round glasses poked her head into the room. She was juggling a cup of coffee along with days worth of paperwork and rough drafts of the newest hero costumes and prototypes. 

Y/N looked over and smiled. Her lips were swathed in a bright red and she was sporting a freshly ironed suit, "Thanks, Aiko. I'll be right out."

The woman, now 19 years old had established her own hero and fashion agency immediately after graduating UA with merits in both the hero course and fashion design. In only a year's time, she had risen the ranks and now holds the position of the 4th most popular hero of Japan just under Endeavor, Hawks, and Mirko. 

Her heels clicking against the linoleum, she shut the door and followed Aiko out of the dressing rooms and into the main building. 

Aiko was part of the reason Y/N got back on her feet after the tragedy that tainted UA's reputation, and she started her hero agency with Aiko as the first employee. Working under her, she has several fashion designers she had been friends with during her high school years. Shoji, Denki, and Sero also work for her. 

"You ready, M'lady?" 

Denki extended his hand, offering her a crooked smirk. Y/N gave a smile before taking his hand, allowing him to lead her to the meeting room. 

"Who are we all meeting?"

Aiko sifted through her papers, "We're meeting with Dynamight and Creati to speak about new costumes."

Opening the frosted glass doors, she plastered on a huge smile, "Bakugou and Momo! Who knew you would be coming to my agency for costumes?"

Momo's face brightened at the sight of her, hurrying toward her and offering her hugs and friendly kisses, "Y/N! Oh, look at how much you've grown! You're such a strong woman now!"

"It's not right that she got to return to the hero course," Bakugou said sourly, loosening his tie and kicking his feet up on the table which made Momo shriek in horror. 

Y/N took a seat, "I see there isn't any need for formalities here."

"Of course not, you dolt. We're...buddies."

She cleared her throat and pushed the paper's Aiko sat in front of her toward Bakugou, "Aren't we talking about Kirishima's new costume? Where's he at?"

"On a mission. He couldn't make it."

"I see. So, here's what I'm thinking."


The girl strut out of the interview room and pulled her hair out of its bun. She let out a sigh as she walked out of the building. It was a hot day, perfect for picnicking. 

But she was going alone. 

Picnicking was a special thing between her and Izuku, and she couldn't bear to do it with someone else. 

Although she never spoke about him, she constantly thought about him. All the things he had gifted her were sitting in a huge box at the back of her closet that she still hasn't had the courage to open. 

Something caught her eye as she walked past the alley.

A dark figure, hovering in the shadows. When she laid her eyes on it, it began moving away. 

Kicking her heels off, she coated her feet in her trusty chains before chasing after the figure. Her picnic could afford to wait. If this was a villain, she would make quick work of him. 

"Legendary hero Y/N L/N," came a voice. It was no bigger than a whisper, yet it radiated. 

"I'm alone. You can come out."

A breathy laugh echoed, "You're pretty formidable by yourself. However, I will show myself because we have business with you, Miss Number 4 Hero."

"Shigaraki," Y/N chuckled upon seeing the blue hair and cracked lips, "What business could you possibly have with me?"

"I'll just be direct since you don't seem like the person to enjoy small talk. I'm sure you have other business to be attending to. To put things simply, we want your allegiance. You will be a very helpful asset to our cause and organization."

Y/N let out an aggressive bark of laughter, "And why would I feel obligated to join something so repulsive, and it happens to be the very thing I've been fighting against since I entered UA High?"

"I thought you might need some convincing. So we have prepared something for you that you will find hard to resist."

He dug in his pockets and pulled something out. 

Y/N's eyes went wide with horror as she saw what it was. 

"We have the boy. Your boy," he mocked, dangling a lock of Izuku's precious green hair in front of her, "Join us, and you get him back. Refuse us, and he dies."


disturbed;izuku COMING SOON

thank you for reading ehheheheheh
i<3 all of you
stay safe my loves

thank you for reading ehhehehehehi<3 all of youstay safe my loves

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