Chapter 35

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I had just sneaked out of the bride's room, my high heels in my hand. The ceremony would start in about twenty minutes, but I wanted to see Harry before it started. Me, Brook and her sister had spent the whole day with Candice since we are her bridesmaids. She couldn't wait to finally marry the man she's been with for over 25 years, but otherwise she was extremely calm. I expected insecurity and questioning like in the movies, but no, she was sure she wanted to marry the father of her daughters. I guess it's like that when you know you've met the right one.

I left the mansion, the reception venue, heading towards the garden where the guests were seated for the ceremonies. I saw Liam come in to chat with Elijah, Brook's father, but Harry was nowhere.

Elijah noticed me as I approached him and Liam, walking barefoot on the grass.


"Aspen, is everything going well inside?" The groom cut me off, obviously worried.

I put my hand on his shoulder reassuringly. Everything is going wonderfully, Elijah. You have nothing to worry about. I smiled warmly at him before turning back to Liam. I'm looking for Harry. "Did you see him by any chance?"

"He's not arrived yet." He should be there any minute. He told me.

I thanked them before walking barefoot across the grass towards the parking lot, hoping to find Harry there. I slipped through the guests looking for Harry, not finding him anywhere.

I finally got used to the idea of ​​not seeing Harry before the ceremony, however disappointed. I sat down in an empty chair on the edge of the aisle. I slipped my foot into the shoe, bending down to tie the shoe when someone knelt in front of me, putting their hands on mine. I immediately recognized the rings that adorned the hands of the person in front of me.

I looked up, then smiled stupidly, mesmerized by beautiful green eyes.

"What are you doing barefoot, Angel?" Harry said, smirking.

I took a moment to contemplate him in the outfit he had been hiding from me for weeks. I was not surprised to see him dressed in black from head to toe. He had the same style as usual; a black shirt out of his black pants. As always, his shirt was buttoned up a little above his navels, showing his beautiful butterflies tattooed under his pectorals. He wore a black jacket and a black hat, which I had never seen him wear. A black bandana with a white Hindi pattern hung from either side of her neck. For weeks I had wondered what he was going to wear to the wedding and I was not disappointed.

"My feet were in pain." I replied.

He nodded, discouraged. "Girls problem."

I couldn't help but laugh out loud as he tied my second shoe. "Shouldn't you be inside?" He asked, placing his hands on my waist, still kneeling in front of me.

"I wanted to see you." I said, smiling shyly.

He brought his face closer to mine, gently kissing my lips. "I will not complain. You look stunning in this dress." He said against my lips as he slid a hand over my bare thigh through the slit of my dress, stroking it gently with his thumb.

" He said against my lips as he slid a hand over my bare thigh through the slit of my dress, stroking it gently with his thumb

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