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With my heart beating for two distinct sounds in the same song

I don't know if I should follow the sound or the beat of it

My heart spins and dances around as I figure it out

Should I really let this melody fade out?

Can i combine the beat with the melody and make a beautiful song?

The melody is pleasing to my ears but the beat seems to attract me to it

I feel divided and at the same time I don't

Will the beat go along with the melody?

I want to have both but that feels kinda greedy and selfish

I don't know how the song will end

But all I hope is that I have at least the melody to sing along in the end

The beat will stay in my heart, but I'll try to dim it away 

As my heart belonged first to the melody

The beat struck my heart with its emotion and I felt stuck, I felt... amazed

I felt like the world had stopped and there was just me and the beat

When I listened closely to the beat.. my heart beat grew stronger and I almost couldn't hold it

When the beat flirted with my ears like an excited teenager romance

I felt the heat in my face, I felt flowers growing inside me

The same flowers that the melody had made grow inside of me

Those charming, beautiful flowers, that make me shake, that make me stumble on my own words

The flowers that make me feel like I want to live a bit more

The flowers I love so much, the flowers that I don't want to ever die

Is it selfish to want both? Is it selfish to want the beat and the melody to get along?

I just want everything to be harmonic and have that lovely sound in my ears everyday

I know that its selfish but I cant help but love the composition of the song

The beat intrigues me as its something new and exciting

The melody is constant and has always been here, its familiar and gives comfort to my ears

My brain and my heart conflict as I dance to the confusing but beautiful and even kind of melancholic song

I know I live for this song, I live for the music, I live for the melody

And I hope I can live for the beat as well

Hopefully the melody and the beat will work together and I won't have to dim it away

If the beat is dimmed away, this song will become kind of sad and melancholic

I'll still love the song though, I'm used to the sad parts of it

I just listened to it so many times now that even If I'm used to it, I don't want to hear it again

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