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"You're doing it again."

You blink, looking up at Noodles in confusion.

"What?" He rolls his eyes at you, but there's something on his expression that you can't quite place.

"You keep spacing out and it's getting pretty fucking annoying."

Nodding your head absentmindedly, you turn down an aisle, staring at the various canned products.

"I guess I am," you reply softly after a moment. You pick up a can of peaches and a can of beans. "Peaches or beans?"

Noodles grimaced. "I'd rather eat fresh produce."

You slide the peaches and beans back onto the shelf. "No peaches or beans then," you muse, walking down the next aisle, pushing the cart along.

Noodles eyes you in the corner of his eyes, examining your features and expressions. After a moment of silence, he speaks.

"You know you're being surprisingly calm after what just happened," Noodle notes beside you as he watches you pick up a few brands of cookies before putting them back onto the shelf.

You merely shrug your shoulders in response, giving him a side glance before reaching out to grab a bag of chips.

"Funny you should say that," you speak almost jovially. "But actually, I am so stressed beyond belief that you just can't absolutely imagine." You giggle to yourself a little.

"Obviously I have to keep a level head so that I don't sound like some insane person that needs to be sent to some sort of mental institution like an asylum or something. Ha!" A bubble of laughter escaped immediately afterwards, as if those words were funny. They weren't.

Noodles raises an eyebrow, feeling rather concerned about your behavior.

"Well anyways, let's just finish shopping. I want to go home and sleep." You make a move to walk further down the aisle when a hand clamps down on your wrist.

Looking back, you see Noodles staring you down with a sheepish and... embarrassed expression? There were hints of pink flush on his cheeks as he averted his eyes, suddenly finding the items on the shelves more interesting than you. You let him gain his bearings, having made sense that he has something to say to you, but can't find the courage to do so.

Knowing this, you wait patiently for him. It's not like you can go anywhere anyways, with not too tight but strong grip around your wrist. After a moment of silence between the two of you, Noodles speaks up.

"I..." He grits his teeth, gnashing them together slightly as he turns to stare you down. It was his time to shine once more.

Breathing in deeply, he pulls you into a swift hug.

"I appreciate you for being... for being-" he stutters for a moment, and you feel something warm ignite inside of you as he struggles. Noodles' face is growing redder by the second as he tries to find the words he's searching for.

He breaths in deeply, calming himself. "For being my human." The bone crushing hug around you tightens as he constricts you further to his chest.

4 - Appreciate The People In Your Life

You find it in you to snicker a little. "That sounds a little scripted," you comment. "Not to mention cliche. And did you just say 'my human'? Excuse me??"

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