Chapter 1 : Night Terrors

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Tommy was peacefully sleeping in his dirt house on a chill fall night. That was until he groggily awoke with a sickening feeling of being watched.

Tommy rubbed his eyes, he felt uneasy.

But Tommy definitely did not expect to open his eyes only to see Ranboo, standing right next to his bed.

'What in the actual fuck...?' Tommy thought to himself as his eyes met Ranboo's. Except Ranboo's eyes glowed purple, instead of the usual mix-match red and green.

Tommy sat up in his bed, Ranboo did not move, and only stared.

"Uh..." Tommy scratched the back of his head

"What the fuck are you doing...?" 

Tommy looked out his Window, only to see that it was pitch black outside, and his door was left open.

Ranboo didn't make a sound. He kept staring at Tommy, his eyes filled emotion Tommy couldn't place. Confusion? Fondness? Or maybe just a blank stare.

"Ranboo, I know we have been getting closer lately...but this is just weird..." Tommy ran a hand through his hair as he pushed the covers off of his legs.

Ranboo cocked his head to the side, and made a...chirping...noise. Like an enderman.

Tommy was really starting to get creeped out.

"O-kay then...I think it's time for you to fuck off Ranboo." 

Tommy tried to stand up, to push Ranboo out of his house, but Ranboo instead put his hand on Tommy's head, making Tommy pause.

"What the fuck are you..." 

Ranboo chirped, and then pushed Tommy back down onto his bed.

"Okay, what is this!" Tommy pushed Ranboo's hand away, and tried to stand up again, but Ranboo instead pushed Tommy down again using his other hand.

"What do you fucking want from me, bitch!" Tommy swatted Ranboo's hands away

Ranboo again chirped, and let his hands fall to his sides.

Tommy stood up, and tried pushing Ranboo towards the door.

Ranboo instead embraced Tommy in a hug, slightly lifting him off the ground.

"Ranboo no! Put me down! Jesus man, what is with you!" Tommy flailed his legs, eventually falling back down on his bed.

"Is this an interrogation? What did I do this time! Tubbo's not even here!" Tommy looked around, trying to see if he had anything Ranboo would want.

Ranboo instead pointed at Tommy.

"...What?" Tommy looked himself over

Ranboo chirped, and smiled.

Tommy turned around, and saw that Ranboo was pointing at a picture of Tommy and Tubbo on the bench, that sat on his nightstand.

"This?" Tommy picked up the photo, looked it over, and handed it to Ranboo. Ranboo had seen that picture many times before, so naturally, Tommy was extremely confused.

Ranboo smiled, and pointed at Tubbo in the picture. He almost seemed to say 'Tubbo' but it sounded more like an odd chirp.

"Uh-huh...that's nice Ranboo..." Tommy nodded "You can leave now." Tommy pointed towards his open door.

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