Chapter 7 : Unforgotten Family

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Hey losers >:)

Did I scare you??

A new chapter?!? After a month of disappearing??!?

Okay enough of that, on with the story

Remember my comments are always open to criticism! :0

(Platonic relationships ONLY!!! Don't get any ideas >:((((( NASTY)


You know that feeling? When like, you know some shit is going down or something along those lines? Well that's what Tubbo woke up to.

Tubbo didn't know when he got these like, motherly instincts, but he thinks it started once he met Tommy.

Listen, the man seems to constantly be on the verge of just dying. After awhile, Tubbo grew this like, pit in his gut whenever Tommy was doing stupid shit.

And after he met Ranboo, he got that feeling that something was wrong.

He felt like both Tommy and Ranboo just summoned Satan, and opened the gates of hell. Honestly he couldn't put it past Tommy. He'd do it by accident. But Ranboo? Yeah something big is going on.

Tubbo groggily opened his eyes,

He looked towards Ranboo's side of the bed, but there was nothing. His pillow was on the floor, along with his blankets.

Tubbo looked around,

The bedroom of their mansion seemed to come to life, dancing with mischief and danger in the shadows of moonlight.

Ranboo's bedside table was slightly ajar, the drawer opened, leaning towards the floor.

The room seemed so much bigger for some odd reason. The windows that used to be about his height, seemed to reach high into the sky, where his ceiling wasn't even visible anymore. The walls stretched in such an eerie way, and the floor seemed to shift into the direction of the door, which just so happened to be opened slightly, dimmed yellow light reaching into the bedroom.

Tubbo hopped out of bed, it almost felt like a dream, everything in the room somehow shifted in the direction of the door, the shadows of tree branches pointing out towards it, while shadows of  icicles fell right above the door, almost like arrows to follow.

Tubbo stepped out, the creak of the floorboards only added to the level of creepy.

The floors almost seemed to shift to the stairs,

The staircase in question seeming to wind down in a spiral for what seemed like eternity.

Maybe this is all a dream. A weird, weird dream.

I should go back to sleep. Something is wrong...

Tubbo turned around to rush back to the room, but the world retaliated.

The branches of trees slammed against the windows.

The wind whistled harshly

The floorboards creaked louder with every step

That feeling in Tubbo's gut screamed.

He needed to find them.

So Tubbo considered his options

Let his friends probably die

Or go into crazy ass nature woods


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