•~{chapter 12}~•

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Third-person pov

Y/n sat in the back seat of her car shaking her leg nervously.

Her hands were placed on her lap trying to stop the shaking.
"Don't be nervous. No one else's going to be there. Just us and the group" Xinlong said calming her slightly.

"Yeah you're right" She sighed grabbing a water bottle in front of her.

She uncapped it and drank a good amount.

Xinlong wrapped his arm around her shoulders to soothe her.

The car came to a stop and they exited.

The security led them into a building.

Y/n walked backstage following the staff. It was pitch black with a few dim lights hanging from above.

Almost impossible to see.

"You two will be starting in 5 minutes," 


Y/n's pov

I heard cheering from the stage. 

Wasn't it supposed to be just the two of us and the boys?

After walking over to the curtains I peeked through.

Oh no...

What looks like almost 100 fans were in the stadium with their lightsticks.

Oh no no no no no...

"Xinlong" I whispered over to him. He came closer to where I was.

"I thought it was just 'us'" He poked his head through the curtains and immediately closed them.

The cheering became louder.

"I didn't know about this," he said turning to face me.

"Hey! Come one. You'll be on soon" One of the staff whispered-yelled to us.

I made my way over to the stairs leading to the stage.

My palms started getting sweaty causing me to wipe them on my skirt.

"It's gonna be alright," Xinlong's voice said from beside me.

"Just imagine us in the studio. Then you'll be less nervous" How could he be so calm while I'm freaking out?!

"How can you be so calm?" I ask right before entering the stage.

Bright lights were shown on my face.

Music began playing and I grabbed his shoulder. 

Heart beats fast. Colors and promises~

I closed my eyes but luckily didn't step on Xinlong's feet.

We swayed side to side. His hand was placed gently on my waist.

Time stands still. Beauty and all she is~

Now it was time for the big part. The lift.

I opened my eyes again. His brown pair meets mine.

I'm mesmerized again...

I'll love you for a thousand more~

Xinlong spins me out and just as he pulls me in I jump.

Two hands grab my waist tightly before letting me back down.

I breathed out, relieved.

The music slowly started coming to an end.

I turned towards the audience who had started clapping.

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