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Femi's pov

I am having a fucking boner just looking at her smile......

I was shocked when she placed her orders.....I haven't seen a girl that eats that much.......
But I just smiled because she was so fucking cute when she was requesting ...

Then she ordered for me too, the truth is I just wanted to watch her eat but I guess she isn't having that.......

Different meals were brought to our table and she is eating without a single u care in the world............. and it only makes me want her more..........I couldn't keep my eyes off her

She caught me looking

"Eat your food or I am eating yours too".....she sounded like a mother scolding her child

"Yes ma'am".....and she nodded

When we finished eating, her dessert was brought to her and she started licking her ice cream.

The way she is licking the spoon with her actually making my dick stare in my pants......
She is making me fucking jealous of a spoon right now.....

I had to arrange my pant so she doesn't notice that the way she was licking her ice cream is giving me a fucking hard on.....

And I am thinking of licking that ice cream on her cunt mixed with her natural pussy juice ...

I need to go straight to the point right now before I lose my shit right here and bend her over my leg and spank that ass I am dieing to touch because she is been a naughty girl.......... giving me a hard on in public.

"You know impersonation is a serious crime" yeah I went straight on

She immediately stopped licking her ice cream and became uncomfortable immediately.............I feel like a dick right now for saying that......

"I am really sorry.....I truly am....I swear if I knew the name belonged to you I wouldn't have used it" she pleaded almost crying.....I don't want her to cry, I hate myself for making her sad but I can't help it......... it's the only way I can get what I want.

"So you would have used someone else's and probably still get caught........ and thrown into jail.........but that would be better for you, at least you might be kept on bail.............but that isn't the case here because when I get you thrown into jail, nobody gets to bail you till I say so......"

At these point she was a sobbing mess.....her tears were ruining her makeup.............I feel like shit right now..
It's fucking crazy that the sound of her sobbing is actually turning me on.....
I need help at this point..

"I already said I am sorry...... what more do you want" she said sobbing...

"You owe me and that's for all the drinks you drank in my club without paying"

"What!!!"...........she looked really shocked
"How was I supposed to know that you own the fucking club and you brought fucking free drinks to my are fucking insane" she yelled at me..... the audacity though

Now she is getting me angry

" I would Watch how you talk to me if I were you and that pretty mouth of yours shouldn't curse" I told her while I tried containing my anger.

I want that mouth for something else

" much are we looking out here" she asked, with her hands folded infront of her chest pushing her boobs up...........I can't wait to touch those.

"Four million naira" I said nonchalantly... Actually that money means nothing to me but she doesn't know that...... guessing she doesn't know how wealthy I and my family are.

"You know I don't have that kind of what's the catch because I know there is one." Smart girl

"Smart girl.........I want you"
As simple as that

"Nope you can't have me " she said sternly

"I do already........I want you because I can't seem to get you out of my head and I need you out of my system....."

"So??" She asked

"So I want to fuck you out of my system" I am a straight forward kind of guy

"If not for the fact that I have a pending issue with you, I would be slapping you right now......are you insane?? I am not a prostitute" she said angrily

"I know you're not......but I want you"

"Well you will have to get me arrested because it's not happening"

"Okay.....but just so you know, arresting you won't satisfy me enough.......but buying your mother's shop would be pretty entertaining, even though it will be useless to me but it will be entertaining and Sophia dropping out from school because your mom won't be able to pay her bills"......... I paused for a moment..........I signaled the waiter for the bill

I know about her mother and Sophia...........I have my way of getting any information I want.

"Is that a threat?" She asked still shocked but kept it together

"Nope just stating stuffs I would do....if I don't get what I want"

"Wait please....... how about I work for you, and before you say anything about it not being enough......... please I will work till my dept is paid please leave my family out of it,please I am begging you."  She was literally crying and begging

"You stay with me while you work for me and it isn't driver will be picking you up a day after tomorrow" I paid the bill then booked her a ride, yes I know her address both her place and that of her mother's.

I stood up and she stood too, I really want to comfort her but I can't show weakness........we walked out through the private door, because I don't want people taking pictures or videos of me, the Uber was already there

I walked her to the cab, I helped open the car but stopped her before entering.......

"say hi to lola and kiki"

She was shocked......she opened her mouth to say something but closed it back.....'wise choice baby girl'

"Don't be scared of staying with me, because I won't touch you, unless you want me to" I whispered in her ear.....and I swear I heard her gasp.
"Good night"

She got in and the driver drove off......

I walked back to my car and John drove us back home.........
It was a good evening



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