Chapter 1: Anger

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Izuku's POV:

I started to tweak little things with Kacchan's grenades... I know he doesn't want me staying up all night fixing them, but it's not like I can help it! I just don't want him going out and fighting if he grenades don't fit or feel right anymore..

I was up all night looking at the blueprints, adding small things, drinking monsters, and trying not to blast Slipknot too loud, but then I heard the alarm on my phone go off. "Oh.. Great." I sighed then turned off the alarm.

I really don't like dealing with people.. I'd rather Aizawa-sensei teach me after class if anything. "Hey Deku! It's time to get ready!" Uraraka yelled from outside my door, I hate that she matched our alarms up.. It's annoying having to deal with her in the morning time. "Coming!" I kept my usually cheerful façade up since I don't really want to talk about why I sound so angry or annoyed.

I quickly grab my phone and face towel then unlocked my dorm. "Hey." I glanced at her. "Hii!" She gave me a peppy smile. "Hm." I grunted in response then locked my door behind me. "Let's goooo!" She grabbed my hand then dragged me to the bathrooms. "Why do I have to go to the shared bathrooms when I have my own?" I gritted my teeth. "Because I like talking to my best friend in the morning time!" Uraraka was all around bubbly and I wasn't having it..

Third Person POV

Izuku went through with the torture Ochaco put him through so early in the morning, and as soon as they were done he walked straight back to his dorm and locked the door behind him. "Ugh!" He threw his towel on the bed and went to his closet. "Why can't she pick up on the fact I'm irritated?" Izuku grabbed his uniform and haphazardly threw it on, it was the best he could do in a state like his. "Would Aizawa care if I put my piercings in..?" The white haired male pondered for a bit until he just didn't care, he put all of his piercings in and lounged around on his bed until either Hitoshi came and got him or Katsuki.

Izuku scrolled on his phone for about ten minutes before he sensed two pairs of footsteps coming to his room, he grabbed his bag off the floor, and stuffed his extra items in there, then he unlocked his door and leaned on the frame. "You're sensing is almost too good." Hitoshi yawned. "Woah, you're going in full pierced?" Katsuki crossed his arms. "I'm irritated today, don't push my buttons." Izuku seethed. "Deku, calm down." Katsuki gently pushed past him and so did Hitoshi. "The desk." Izuku already knew that his boyfriends were looking for the jewelry. "Thanks." Hitoshi yawned again. "Did you even sleep last night?" Izuku raised his eyebrow. "Did you, nerd?" Katsuki pointed to his grenades on the ground with things scattered around. "No." Izuku admitted. "Neither did I." Hitoshi rubbed his before grabbing the jewelry he liked. "Oi, I want the dragon." Katsuki glared. "I know Kat." Hitoshi sighed. "Good." Katsuki smiled like a child.

All three teens talked for a bit until they were done with putting in all the jewelry then they started to walk to class. "Deku, since you didn't eat breakfast you have to each lunch and dinner." Katsuki made sure he and Izuku were on the same page. "Kacchan.. The meals have to be spaced out!" Izuku came close to yelling. "Zuku, he's right." Hitoshi ran his finger along a scar that went from Izuku's neck to underneath his eye. "Damn." Izuku groaned. "Sorry Deku." Katsuki ruffled Izuku's hair. "Uh huh." Izuku rolled his eyes but he had a slight blush on his face. "Young Midoriya!" AllMight happened to run into the three males, Izuku froze up. "A-Allmight." The white haired male slightly moved his head to greet AllMight. "Your piercings aren't very hero like." The deflated man shook his head. "You being smallmight isn't very hero like but you don't see us complaining, shut up." Katsuki stepped in for Izuku, Hitoshi simply grabbed Izuku's hand, and kept a very firm grip on it. "Hm." AllMight knew he couldn't fight back so he kept walking to where he needed to be. "Sorry about him Deku." Katsuki quickly grabbed Izuku's right hand and they all started to walk back to class.

Luckily for those three they now get to stay together since Aizawa asked for Nezu to switch Hitoshi and Mineta, so now the grape is in glass 1b by Hitoshi is in class 1a. "You sure you want to keep these in? We can go take them out." Hitoshi made sure Izuku was fine with the piercings. "I'm sure." Izuku's eyes flashed with a hint of red before going back to their regular emerald green. "Tch." Katsuki loved how confident Izuku was, so he opened the door and gently pushed him through. "Kaccha-!" Izuku stumbled forward a bit before every single eye was om him. "Great." Izuku groaned. "Midoriya, it's very unhero like to wear earrings and such in this environment!" Iida was already on his case, then Katsuki and Hitoshi walked in. "You two both?!" Uraraka was surprised. "Hm, cool." Aizawa yawned. "Thanks dad." Hitoshi chuckled. "Sensei! How can you not condone this?!" Iida was irritated. "This whole family has piercings, I just don't feel like putting mine in." Aizawa rolled his eyes. "What do you mean family?" Mina tilted her head. "Listen here you nosy son of a-" Hitoshi covered Izuku's mouth before he could curse. "Uh- Promise rings." Katsuki glanced nervously at Izuku. "Is that- Bakugou- Being nice?!" Kaminari had a smug look on his face. "Y'all are screwed." Hitoshi let go of Izuku. "Huh?" The whole class didn't even get a chance to react before Izuku knocked them all out. "Izuku! Calm down!" Hitoshi yelled. "Eh!?" Izuku made the mistake of responding. "Walk over to us." Hitoshi gave Izuku a command using his quirk and the albino followed. "What has him so fed up?" Aizawa rubbed his eyes. "Life." Katsuki  muttered. "I have to agree with Kat on that one." Hitoshi kept Izuku in a tight embrace. "Therapy." Aizawa knew sometimes therapists are the wrong person to go to, but damnit Izuku has been through too much. "He doesn't trust them after being sent to the psych ward two years ago." Katsuki leaned on Hitoshi. "I can.. Do after school with him." Aizawa offered. "Hm.. Given that's it's you.. He'll trust you more." Hitoshi sighed. "Alright dad, we'll tell him later then." The violet haired male removed his quirk from Izuku and kissed the albino's head. "You always have to warn me y'know!" The teen squeaked out as he pushed himself away from his boyfriends and angrily walked to his seat. "We're sorry Deku!" Katsuki chuckled. "Don't sorry deku me you- you- Twat!" Izuku spat. 

Katsuki and Hitoshi both looked at each other then walked to their seats, Izuku was confused to say the least, but he didn't push it. Around five minutes later the class started to awake from their forced slumber. "Ugh... What happened?" Kirishima rubbed his neck. "Y'all passed out from out awesomeness, fucking extra's." Katsuki was up to his usual prideful self. "Hm." Hitoshi didn't say anything and neither than Izuku. "Okay.. Do whatever you want, I'm going to bed." Aizawa curled up into his sleeping bag and did as he said he would do. "Oh, this'll be fun." Izuku groaned quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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