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The dusty road to Echo Village was narrow along this stretch, and lined with an impenetrable hedgerow of bushes and brambles. Most of the time it didn't matter—it was wide enough for the caravan, and they rarely met anyone on the path. But this hot summer morning, as they led the horse-drawn carts and the small herd of animals towards the village, Neil heard the thunder of hoofbeats galloping up the road behind them, then slowing as the rider reined in his horse, unable to pass. He didn't bother to glance back—they were already going as fast as they could, so there was nothing else to be done until the road widened again. Luckily for the horseman, it wouldn't be much farther.

Finally the tangled growth opened up and gave way to tall grass, and he heard the rider urge his horse on to pass them. Rod called a friendly greeting as horse and rider trotted by, swishing through the  grass. However, instead of passing Neil, he slowed again, keeping his horse to a walk as he drew up alongside him. Glancing up in annoyance, he first noticed the horse—a rangy black Appaloosa, large black spots splashed over the blanket of snowy white on his hindquarters. The rider was dressed in black, with a brown leather vest and boots and a black cowboy hat. His silver hair was unkempt and his face unshaven, and he mirrored Neil's expression with an amethyst glare of his own.

 "Whaddya want?" Neil snapped.

"You an animal dealer?" the cowboy asked.

Shit, is this guy for real? Neil thought to himself. "No, I'm a fucking ballerina."

Ignoring his sarcastic reply, the cowboy nodded his head. "Thought as much. That's my line of work, too."

"Well, la-di-dah. Do you actually want something, or did you just wake up this morning and decide that today you were going to annoy the shit out of a total stranger, and I drew the short straw?"

"I'm looking for someone. A rancher, probably, or farmer. Got any of those around here?"

Neil snorted in disbelief. "What do you think, I sell cattle to rich housewives? Yeah, there's a few of them around here, but only one in town."

"Yeah? What's his name?"

"Hers," Neil corrected automatically, then cursed to himself when he saw the small, triumphant smile curling the corners of the man's mouth and the gleam in his eyes.

"A woman, huh? Where can I find her?"

Neil paused. He didn't like the idea of sending this guy on to Rio's farm when she was all alone there. Yeah, she had her dogs, but they were herd dogs—not guard dogs. And he didn't know what this fellow wanted with her.

Finally he said, "Give me time to get into town and get my animals settled, then I can take you there."

The cowboy narrowed his eyes at Neil. "I don't need an escort," he said flatly.

"Maybe not, but you're getting one, whether you like it or not," Neil stated.

The cowboy hesitated, then shrugged. "Fine. Is there an inn in town?"

"Yeah, just keep on this road straight through town. It's on the far side, just to the north. You'll see it on the bluff, overlooking this road."

"And where will I find you?"

"In the plaza, a short ways east of the inn. Just follow the sounds of animals."

"Then I'll get a room and meet you there in... how long will it take you to get ready?"

"I'll be finished setting up by 10:00," Neil replied, glancing back to be sure his animals were keeping up as he spoke.

The cowboy urged his horse ahead, calling back, "See ya then."

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